Chapter 41-42

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Chapter 41

Father Ji held his hands together and looked at Ji Hongjun with a little concern in his eyes.

Ji Hongjun glanced at him faintly: "Ji Tiezhu's mother went to find the captain."

After listening to Ji Hongjun's words, Father Ji couldn't maintain the simple expression on his face: "What?"

Did the old lady go to the captain? What is she going to say to the captain? Is that bitch talking about the report?

Ji Hongjun looked at Father Ji with deep eyes for a while. Seeing that his eyes were a little flustered, he slowly withdrew his sight and raised his feet to the captain's house.

Father Ji looked at the direction he left, narrowed his eyes slightly, stood in place for a while, and also swayed along.

When Ji Hongjun arrived at the captain's house, Ji Tiezhu's mother was coming out of it. When she saw Ji Hongjun, she snorted at him and spit on the ground: "A disgray bastard."

Ji Hongjun narrowed her eyes slightly, ignored her, and walked into the captain's house.

When Father Ji saw that Ji Hongjun went in, he looked at Ji Tiezhu's mother and said, "What are you doing at the captain's house? Don't forget that you reported it.

Ji Tiezhu's mother looked at Father Ji coldly and scolded him, "What does it have to do with you to find the captain? Old man, mind your own business."

After Ji Tiezhu's mother finished speaking, she cursed and left.

Father Ji stood on the right side of the captain's house, pricked up his ears, and eavesdropped on the movement in the yard.

In the yard, the captain had finished his meal and was waiting for Ji Hongjun to come. Seeing Ji Hongjun coming, he pushed his bicycle out: "Hongjun is here. Let's go."


Ji Hongjun went out with him behind the captain. When they went out, Father Ji was hiding at the door to peek. The captain saw him first.

"Brother Changshan, what are you doing here?"

Father Ji came over from the wall and said with a simple face, "Nothing. I'll come and have a look. I heard from the villagers that Hongjun knows who the person who reported it is. I want to ask who reported the village."

"Hongjun hasn't said it yet. Let's wait for Hongjun and me to come back from the commune. Brother Changshan's free to go out first. Hongjun and I will go first." The captain pushed the car forward.

Ji Hongjun followed to see.

The captain and Ji Hong both left, and Ji's father walked around the captain's house and went home. When Father Ji came home, he saw Mrs. Ji sitting in the yard, and he walked over.

"If you have nothing to do at home, go to the captain's house and chat with the captain's daughter-in-law."

Mrs. Ji and the captain's daughter-in-law are not very compatible. She doesn't like the captain's daughter-in-law. Father Ji actually asked her to chat with the captain's daughter-in-law. Mrs. Ji was dissatisfied: "Why are you going to find her? The old woman relied on the captain's daughter-in-law, relying on her son's ability to look down on me, so I won't go to chat with her.

Father Ji kicked the stool where Mrs. Ji was sitting, with a gloomy face: "If you let me go, you can go. How can there be so much nonsense? Go and ask her what the captain is doing in the commune? Let's ask what Ji Tiezhu's mother said when she went to her house?"

Did the old woman say that it was a report letter he wrote?

"Why are you intting about this? What does it have to do with our family whether the captain goes to the commune or not?

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