Chapter 71-72

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Chapter 71

When Ji Hongjun heard Liang Huan's words, his hands froze and squatted beside Liang Huan, not knowing what to do next.

Fortunately, Aunt Ji was there. She took Niuniu's hand and said quickly, "Hongjun, go find the midwife quickly."

When Ji Hongjun heard Aunt Ji's words, she knew what to do next. She stood up and went out mechanically to find the midwife in the village.

In the dark night, Ji Hongjun's body flashed like a meteor.

At this time, many people in the village have eaten, and now they are chatting at the door. Someone who noticed Ji Hongjun's passing by asked doubtfully, "Did anyone run over just now?"

"No, I didn't see it." Another person replied.

When the people in the village were chatting, Ji Hongjun had already arrived at the house of Lao Wang's aunt in the village. Lao Wang's daughter-in-law had dinner and was feeding chickens at home. She stood at the door of the chicken coop and chattered, "I saw the energy of eating all day long. The family didn't do anything. I have to feed a chicken."

Lao Wang's aunt's eldest daughter-in-law hid in the stove to brush the pot. Hearing her mother-in-law's words, she muttered in the stove: "Who doesn't work? She works during the day and comes back to serve the family's food and drink. There is work everywhere. Can she do it alone? The eccentric mother-in-law, why don't you let the second daughter-in-law work?

Ji Hongjun went to Aunt Wang's house. Seeing that the door of her house was not closed, she went straight into the house. Her dark eyes were fixed on Aunt Wang: "Aunt Wang, my daughter-in-law is going to give birth."

As soon as Aunt Wang heard this, she immediately put aside the chicken-feeding basin: "Are you going to give birth? Then go quickly. I remember that your daughter-in-law is pregnant with twins. Hurry up and don't delay.

After saying that, Lao Wang's aunt went out. Ji Hongjun walked to her side and directly grabbed her arm: "Aunion, I'm offended."

After Ji Hongjun finished speaking, before Aunt Wang could react, he picked up the person and ran home.

This time, Ji Hongjun slowed down the speed when he came. His running speed is the speed that ordinary people can achieve.

Ji Hongjun ran with Lao Wang's aunt. The two of them were still very conspicuous. At this time, many people in the village saw it.

Some curiosity saw Ji Hongjun running home with Lao Wang's aunt, so he followed. I want to go to Ji Hongjun's house to see what happened. There are still some brains. Thinking that Aunt Wang is a midwife, and Ji Hongjun's daughter-in-law is nine months pregnant, so she guesses that Ji Hongjun's daughter-in-law is going to give birth.

When those people went to Ji Hongjun's house together, he had already brought Aunt Wang home.

In the hall, Aunt Ji asked Niuniu to play on the ground by herself. She helped Liang Huan to go to bed very slowly.

When Ji Hongjun arrived at the room, he let go of Aunt Wang. He strode to Liang Huan's side, gently picked him up, walked to the edge of the kang, and put Liang Huan on the warm kang.

In winter, the warm kang is burning warm, and lying on it is warm.

Aunt Wang's heart beats very fast when she stood in the room.

Aunt Ji looked back at Aunt Wang: "Sister-in-law, don't stand still. Come and see Hongjun's house. She is in great pain. I think she'm about to give birth."

The cold sweat on Liang Huan's painful face came out, and his face was pale.

When Aunt Wang heard Aunt Ji's words, she came to her senses and stared at Ji Hong: "Hongjun, you are too fierce. How can I be the same as you young people? If you take me to run, take me to run, and my soul was scared away.

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