Chapter 119-120

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Chapter 119

Qin's mother opened the door and saw a group of people with red signs on the cuffs at the gate. Qin's mother and Qin's father went to the countryside because of a group of people with red signs on their sleeves. When she saw people with red signs on the cuffs, she panicked.

She held the door in her hand, and the gravity of her body was in her hand. Qin's mother looked at the person: "Who are you looking for?"

There are about a dozen people outside, most of whom are young men in their twenties. Only the first two leaders look older, about thirties. The leading man looked at Qin's mother and said, "Is this Qin Haitian's family?" We received a report that you hid an unknown person in your family and suspected that you were hiding a special agent. Let's go in and check it.

The man's voice was not small, and Ji Hongjun's hearing in the room was very good. He had heard the noise outside.

In the hall, Ji Hongjun looked at Qin's father, Qin Haoran and Qin Haojie: "Someone is coming outside. Let's go out and have a look."

Ji Hongjun didn't say who came. He said that someone came, so he came out of the hall.

Qin's father and the two sons of the Qin family were puzzled. Someone knocked on the door just now. They heard it and thought that Qin's mother would go to open the door, so they didn't come to open the door. Someone will come over. It should be the person who just knocked on the door. Who's outside? Do you want them all to come out to greet you?

The father and son of the Qin family were puzzled, but they still came out with Ji Hongjun.

Walking to the yard, the father and son of the Qin family saw the people standing outside clearly. Qin's father's eyes changed slightly, but he regained to nature in an instant. He strode to the door, walked to Qin's mother and stood beside her, holding her shoulders with both hands, supporting her, and giving her strength.

The familiar person came over, and the worry in Qin's mother's heart suddenly surged up, and her body was a little paralyzed beside Qin's father.

Qin's father put his hand around Qin's mother's shoulder and looked up at the ten men opposite him: "What's the matter with you?"

Hong/Xiao/Bing said what he had just said to Qin's mother to Qin's father again.

After listening to him, Qin's father responded faintly, "There is no private collector in our family. You can come in and check it."

Now it's not a few years ago. The power of the red/small/soldier is declining. It is no longer the era when they want to make anyone unlucky. The superior has begun to liquidate some people, and the red/small/soldier will not be long. Their family is innocent, and it is impossible for the red/little/s soldiers to find out anything. If they can't find anything, they can't frame him if they want to.

After listening to Qin's father's words, a group of red soldiers strode into the room, searching one room after another. When they saw the four children of Qingqing and Ran Ran, they pointed to Qingqing and asked, "Who are they? Everyone around here knows that your two sons are not married. Where did the children come from? Is this child a special/soldant's child?

As soon as the leader said this, Qin's father guessed a little in his heart and knew who these people were coming for.

This group of people came to Ji Hongjun. Ji Hongjun has just come to the emperor for a few days, and he hasn't caused any trouble these days. In the imperial capital, Hongjun's arrival has not provoked people in the past few days. He should have no enemies himself, but there is a person who hates the Zhou family. He came to his house two days ago. I guess he guessed that Hongjun was from the Zhou family and deliberately came to frame Hongjun.

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