- Chapter 4: Mother Ji exploded.

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Chapter 4: Mother Ji exploded.

Mother Ji exploded. She pointed at him and scolded, "You have no conscience! If you beat your mother, you should be criticized, paraded, and reformed! Do you still have the face to ask this? We've separated yesterday, so you are not from the family. Take your wife back to your house, quickly!"

Ji Hongjun ignored her and looked at the captain directly. He said in a low voice, "Captain, I... My grandfather left me a letter before he passed away. He mentioned the separation."

The captain looked more serious when he mentioned this, "Uncle Ji's letter? Bring it here. Let me have a look."

Mr. Ji was a hero who fought the devils. When he was alive, everyone in the village respected him, and the captain also respected Mr. Ji in his heart.

"I'll get it." Ji Hongjun strode away, walking to his former room.

The second wife hid outside the gate and stretched out her neck to look into the yard. She didn't know what was going on in the main room. Seeing Ji Hongjun walking towards her son's room, she hurriedly ran from outside and stopped him, "Ji Hongjun, what are you going to do? This is my son and daughter's room from now on. You can't enter."

Her son and daughter are twins.

Ji Hongjun glanced at her coldly and looked indifferent, "I'm taking something."

He was too strong. She couldn't stop him from entering the room, and could only follow after him to shout, "The things in the room are all the twins' things, there is nothing for you."

Ji Hongjun ignored her and walked to the big cabinet on the head of the kang. He opened it and saw the children's clothes inside. He took them all out, lifting the board at the bottom of the cabinet, and took out a letter from underneath. The envelope was yellow and was obviously written a long time ago.

Liang Huan had been quietly sitting in the main room. She was shocked to see that Ji Hongjun really came in with the letter. In her memories, although Ji Hongjun was infamous for being lazy, he never disobeyed his parents. He was even more obedient to his mother and never refuted a word. The Ji Hongjun she saw today, not only refuted his mother but also took out the letter left by his grandfather. It seemed that he was going to fight against them.

Ji Hongjun gave the letter directly to the captain of the brigade, "Grandpa left this letter and asked me to take it out when we separated."

He stood aside expressionlessly, waiting for the captain to read it.

The captain opened the letter, and the whole Ji family came over to have a look. The light was blocked by them. He had to squint his eyes to read the letter word by word. After reading, he handed it to Father Ji.

"Brother, the letter from uncle says that the house in the east is given to Hongjun, and the food should be divided into five. The old couple should have one share, and the others are for your four sons."

"Brother, I know this letter was written by uncle himself. Not only that but there are also seals of the brigade and the commune on it. This letter is valid."

Mother Ji's hands were fast and robbed the letter directly. She held it in her hand, "What separation letter? The old man has been dead for ten years, so the letter he left is useless. We've already separated. Hongjun, hurry up and take your wife out of here. Get out!"

She went to pull Ji Hongjun, but he stood still.

Liang Huan got off the kang and walked to Mother Ji. She stretched out her hand to grab the letter back when she wasn't paying attention.

Mother Ji stopped trying to drag Ji Hongjun and turned to look at Liang Huan.

"Little bitch! You robbed my letter. See if I don't beat you." Mother Ji doesn't have a long memory and forgot she was beaten with a stick by Liang Huan this morning.

She stretched out her hand to scratch Liang Huan. Liang Huan didn't dodge for the first time and was scratched by the neck. She grabbed the big wooden stick and looked at Mother Ji angrily, "Scratch me? I'll let you scratch." Liang Huan hit her on the ass.

"Oh, my butt!" Mother Ji howled.

Liang Huan has heard her howls all morning, so she was used to it. She held the stick with one hand, and read the letter in the other. After reading, she handed the letter back to the captain, "Uncle, this letter is stamped with the commune seal. Can we follow the separation written on it?"

"Yes." The captain sincerely gave the green light.

Mother Ji stopped making noise when she heard the captain's words, "Captain, you can't. We already broke up the family yesterday. You can't follow this letter for the division."

Mother Ji pushed and pulled the captain, and made a lot of noise.

Liang Huan knows the difficulties of this era. To live, she has to let the Ji family separate according to the letter.

"Mom, this separation letter was stamped by the commune. This is the consent given by our leaders. If you don't follow the separation according to it, do you think the commune and the party are wrong? You're openly against the party. Your ideas are reactionary and can be reformed through labor."

Reactionary thoughts are different from Liang Huan's previous statement about abusing her daughter-in-law. Abusing her daughter-in-law can also be said to be a family matter, but a reactionary idea is a principled mistake. It's a small thing to be criticized. Maybe their whole brigade will be implicated.

The captain listened to Liang Huan's words seriously. He took out the prestige of the captain and looked at Father Ji, "Brother, this is the separation letter left by uncle. If you are his son, you have to listen to it. It's also sealed by the commune. The fourth's wife is right. The sealed stamp means the leaders agreed. We must do it according to the letter. Otherwise, criticism, parading, and being reformed through labor will be small things. If it's taken seriously, the whole family will be implicated.

Father Ji was also afraid. He didn't want to separate the family according to the letter, but he could only listen. He gritted his teeth and said, "Just follow according to the letter."

Father Ji has talked, so the rest of the family couldn't say anything anymore. He ordered his sons to take Mother Ji to the west wing and asked someone to call the secretary and scorer to help calculate the family's properties.

While they were calculating accounts, Liang Huan quietly walked to Ji Hongjun's side. She looked up at him.

He was still standing upright now. His straight posture gave the aura of a military personnel. Liang Huan was a little suspicious. Ji Hongjun was said to be a second-rate and lazy man in her memory he doesn't work all day and wanders around town. Did he have this kind of poster?

The scorer at the kang table finished calculating the grain and food of the Ji family. He combined the ledgers and turned to the secretary and captain, "It's time to separate."

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