Chapter 95-96

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Chapter 95

At noon on October 6th.

After lunch, Liang Huan quickly brushed the dishes and chopsticks, and then came out of the stove and looked at the two children playing in the yard: "Qingqing, Ran Ran, your aunt and I will take your aunt to the county railway station. You two play at home. Don't run around."

"I got it, Mom." Ran Ran replied cleverly.

Qingqing walked into Liang Huan and asked in a low voice, "Mom, can I go with you?" I also want to see my aunt off.

At noon, I borrowed an ox cart from An. I will drive the ox cart to the county town. I will have to pull Qin's father and mother, their luggage, as well as some fruits and meat she has prepared. If I take my two children with me, I guess there will be no place to sit. The road to the county is still bumpy, and it is very bumpy to take a ox cart. Liang Huan doesn't want his two children to go.

"You play at home. Mom will bring you apples and grapes to eat when you come back, okay?" The grapes in the space are ripe, and you can secretly take them out and eat them by yourself.

She can't go to the county. Qingqing is a little frustrated, but when she heard Liang Huan say that she would bring her delicious food back, Qingqing's loss disappeared, and she replied crisply, "Okay, mom, then you should come back soon."

"Well, I'll go first. If you go out to play, close the yard door at home." Liang Huan told the two children, then went back to the hall, took out a big bag, and went to Qin Meiqi's house next door.

Liang Huan carried a leg of mutton for Qin's mother. Last night, Ji Hongjun went up the mountain and beat some pheasants and rabbits. Liang Huan also packed two, two catties of apples, five catties of rice and some white flour.

Rice is the rice grown by Liang Huan in the space, which is much more delicious than the rice sold on the market now. White flour is also the flour milled by wheat in the space. These things are all owned by themselves. Qin's mother and Qin's father don't know what's going on when they return to the imperial capital. It's more practical to decorate them with food.

Liang Huan wanted to carry a big bag to Qin Meiqi's house.

There was a ox cart parked in front of Qin Meiqi's house. There were two packages on the ox cart, which were the luggage of Qin's father and Qin's mother.

Liang Huan did not put the bag directly on the ox cart, but took the bag into the room.

The things in this bag are relatively valuable food. It's not good to take it on the train carelessly and be noticed what's in it. It needs to be repackaged.

Liang Huan carried the bag into the yard. Qin's mother was pulling Qin Meiqi to speak in the yard. Seeing Liang Huan coming with a big bag, Qin's mother said, "Huanhuan, why did you bring so many things here?"

"Uncle, this is what Hong and I have prepared for you. They are all food. You can take it back to eat." Liang Huan answered with a smile and walked up to Qin's mother.

"Huanhuan, the emperor can buy anything. Your uncle and I are not short of food. You can keep this food for the two children. This train has to be done for a day and a night. It's hard to get on and off the train, so we won't take it with us. Qin's mother whispered, asking Liang Huan to take things home.

This thing was brought to Qin's mother. Last night, Liang Huan specially asked Ji Hongjun to go to the mountain to fight a lot of chickens and rabbits. Naturally, he would not take them back. After listening to Qin's mother's words, she directly put the bag on the ground.

"Auntie, this is what Hongjun and I want. We brought our own things. The rabbits and chickens were all made by Hongjun on the mountain, and the leg of the mutton was also brought from the mountain. There is no such thing in the imperial capital. Hong and I want to eat what we can eat. It will be difficult for you to eat when you go back to the imperial capital. I have cleaned it up and marinated it with salt and pepper. It won't go bad for a period of time. You can take it to the imperial capital and get it out to dry. It's okay during the Spring Festival.

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