Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

The sun is rising, and many people in the village have eaten. They have done whatever they have to do. Liang Huan and Ji Hong both got up late, and they had a good breakfast now.

After breakfast, Ji Hongjun picked up the bowls and chopsticks on the table to wash the bowl. Liang Huan took the bowls and chopsticks from his hand: "I'll brush the pots and bowls. Go to the county to go through the entry procedures quickly."

This is the entry procedure for a worker. The sooner you do it, the better. If you do it well, you will feel at ease.

"Okay." Ji Hong answered Liang Huan's words. Seeing that she began to scoop water and prepare to wash the pot, he stood by the door and said in a low voice, "I'm going to the county seat."

"Well, come back when you're done with your work and make delicious food at noon." Her man has become a worker, so she has to celebrate.

"Okay." Ji Hongjun responded to Liang Huan and then strode out.

Ji Hongjun went out, and Liang Huan stayed at home to continue to clean up the housework.

The warm spring sun shines on the ground, and there is no need to work. Many people in the village gather together to chat. The women did not chat in the village. They either took baskets to pick mushrooms on the mountain, or went to the fields and ditches to find wild vegetables. Some children who did not go to school also followed the family to beat people all over the mountain, looking for wild vegetables and wild fruits.

In spring, mushrooms on the mountains and wild vegetables in the fields are all edible food. At this time, there is a shortage of food, and every family has no food. In order to eat more at home, the women at home are trying to find something to eat. The female educated youths of the educated youth point, like most women, have to go out together to find food.

Qin Meiqi took the basket and was pulled out of the educated youth by Su Nuan. When passing by Liang Huan's house, Su Nuan looked at Qin Meiqi: "Meiqi, don't you have a good time with Ji Hongjun's daughter-in-law? Shall we call her when we go to pick mushrooms?

Ji Hongjun's daughter-in-law is a local. She must be more familiar with the mountain than them. She takes an acquaintance into the mountain and feels more secure. Otherwise, she is really a little weak when she enters the mountain for the first time.

Qin Meiqi also wanted to pick mushrooms with Liang Huan. After listening to Su Nuan's words, she replied gently, "Wait for me for a while, and I'll ask my sister-in-law."

Qin Meiqi walked over and knocked on the door, and Su Nuan stood aside.

In the hall, Liang Huan heard a knock on the door and put aside the sewing basket. He stood up and walked to the yard to open the door. Seeing Qin Meiqi standing outside, Liang Huan smiled and said, "Meiqi, come in and sit down."

Qin Meiqi shook her head: "Sister-in-law, I won't go in. Su Nuan and I are going to pick wild vegetables and mushrooms on the mountain. Do you want to go with me?"

Liang Huan looked at the ground outside. It was slightly wet and basically dry. There was no water on the road and it was not slippery. She nodded and agreed, "Ok, wait for me for a while, and I'll get the basket."

The mushrooms picked the day before yesterday were distributed to my second aunt's family. There is not much left at home. It's not worth drying. This time, I went to pick more mushrooms, which can be dried and eaten in winter.

Liang Huan went to the mountain with Qin Meiqi and Su Nuan. The three women on the road took care of each other. When they went up the mountain, Qin Meiqi always subconsciously protected Liang Huan.

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