- Chapter 10: Ji Hongxing ran away with the iron pot.

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Chapter 10: Ji Hongxing ran away with the iron pot.

Ji Hongxing ran away with the iron pot, making Zhang Erzhu stunned. He wanted to put the pot on the stove. Why was he robbed?

Mother Ji's voice was loud, and Liang Huan heard it. She threw the potatoes in her hand into the basin, wiped her hands, and looked at Mother Ji coldly, "Bring the pot back by yourself, or should I get it back?"

"What are you talking about? That's my pot. And where you live is also mine." Mother Ji looked at Liang Huan dissatisfiedly.

Liang Huan didn't quarrel with her. She picked up the stick behind the door and went out.

In the yard, Ji Hongjun was with Ma Jianguo building a wall. Ma Jianguo saw Ji Hongxing running with a pot in his arms and turned to Ji Hongjun, "Hongjun, it seems to be your second brother. He ran away with an iron pot."

Ji Hongjun looked over and saw Ji Hongxing running out with a pot in the opposite yard, then saw Liang Huan coming with a stick. His eyes darkened.

"I'll get it."

Liang Huan heard Ji Hongjun but didn't throw away the stick. She glanced at him, "Let's go together."

She came to this world yesterday. So far, the Ji family hasn't gone a minute without irritating her. Separating, stealing, scolding. This time, they would actually rob her iron pot. She had to do something. Otherwise, the Ji family would continue to push. She's annoyed.

It's annoying to be thrown into this broken place by that broken system. Encountering these eccentric relatives made her very angry.

In the Ji family's kitchen, a new pot was put on the ground. Ji Hongxing was lifting their old broken pot preparing to replace it with the new one.

Ji Hongjun glanced at the pot on the ground, and turned his head to Liang Huan, "Take the pot home and call the captain over."


Liang Huan grabbed the pot. Ji Hongxing wanted to chase her, but Ji Hongjun stopped him.

Mother Ji chased from behind and saw Liang Huan with the iron pot. She went to grab it, but Liang Huan dodged and kicked her ass, making Mother Ji fall into the snow.

Mother Ji howled, but Liang Huan ignored her. She took the iron pot home and handed it to Zhang Erzhu, "Thank you for your hard work. I'll have to go out for a minute to do something."

"This is a small matter. Sister-in-law, go ahead."

Liang Huan went out and saw Ma Guodong peaking at her house. She waved to him.

He seemed to be a little afraid of her but thought of Ji Hongjun. He hesitated for a while before running over.

"Sister-in-law." Ten-year-old Ma Guodong called out politely.

"Guodong, do you know where the captain's house is?" The original owner married from the village next door and didn't know where the captain lived.

"Yes, is sister-in-law looking for the captain? I'll take you there."

"Well, thank you, Guodong." Liang Huan said warmly.

When they arrived, the captain was sitting in the yard smoking a cigarette. His wife sat next to him mending a cotton-padded jacket and said, "The second daughter-in-law is pregnant, so the eggs at home this month will not be sold. Leave it for her."

"You can decide everything at home." The captain replied. When he looked up, he saw Liang Huan coming in from outside.

"Ji Hongjun's wife is here. What can I do for you?"

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