Chapter 29

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Chapter 29 - Ji Hongjun sat opposite Liang Huan...

Ji Hongjun sat opposite Liang Huan, peeled the eggs she handed him, and ate them.

Liang Huan looked at him and thought about what happened last night. God asked, "Ji Hongjun, if you were husband and wife, would you always be good to your wife?"

After saying that, Liang Huan regretted it. She seemed to ask too directly.

Liang Huan lowered his head and said, "Well ask casually. Let's eat."

After Liang Huan finished speaking, he bowed his head for dinner.

Opposite her, Ji Hongjun had heard her question, finished eating the eggs, and looked at Liang Huan quietly: "It's the responsibility of being a husband to be kind to your wife."

Ji Hongjun answered seriously, and his dark eyes kept looking at Liang Huan. This fell on Liang Huan's heart like a promise.

I'm a little moved. Ji Hongjun seems to be really good, and it seems to be a real couple.

Liang Huan was thinking that the door of their yard rang. Liang Huan put the dishes and chopsticks on the table and stood up: "I'll open the door."

Liang Huan walked to the door, took a deep breath and suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and opened the door.

Outside the door, Aunt Ji's family stood opposite Liang Huan. Seeing her, Aunt Ji smiled, "The Hongjun family is at home. Health says that you have grown vegetables. I want to see how you grow it."

"Auntie, come in and say." Liang Huan stood on the right side of the door and staggered himself to let Uncle Ji and his second aunt enter the house.

Second Aunt Ji is good at chatting. As she walked, she talked to Liang Huan about growing vegetables: "Hongjun's family, listen to health. You grow vegetables in the stove. How do you grow vegetables in the house? Won't this winter food freeze to death?"

"Put it on the warm kang and keep the warm kang warm. If the room is not cold, the vegetables can survive." Liang Huan said and took Ji's second aunt to the room.

Ji Hongjun was still eating in the stove. When she saw Liang Huan coming with Uncle Ji's family, he stood up and said hello, "Uncle, aunt."

Uncle Ji nodded, "Uh-huh."

When Aunt Ji saw the food on the dinner table, she smiled, "You just had dinner. Did my uncle and I disturb your meal? Hurry up, Hongjun's go to dinner. I'll ask you about growing vegetables when you have a good meal.

Liang Huan glanced at Ji Hongjun next to the table, turned around and looked at Aunt Ji and said, "Auntie, I've finished eating. The dishes are here. I can eat it in a few days."

Liang Huan pulled Ji Er Aunt to the warm kang, and the happy little vegetables on the bed appeared in the eyes of Second Aunt Ji.

When Aunt Ji saw the dishes on the warm kang, her eyes lit up: "This dish is really good. It's better than the vegetables grown in spring."

In winter, she can really grow vegetables, and Hongjun's daughter-in-law is really capable.

Uncle Ji looked at the dishes on the warm kang, and his eyes were also bright: "Daughter-in-law, how did you grow this dish?"

"Pow on the warm kang, get a layer of soil on the warm kang, it's better to burn the kang. The kang can't be too hot. It's enough to keep the kang warm on the warm kang. There is a temperature on the warm kang, and the vegetables planted on the kang can germinate, and you should often water the vegetables grown on it." Liang Huan looked at Uncle Ji and Aunt Ji and directly told her how to grow vegetables.

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