Chapter 49-50

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Chapter 49

Liang Huan's house was built really quickly. They were all helped by the young and strong people in the village. They were paid 20 cents a day, and the people who built the house were also working hard. There were more than 20 people. In ten days, the house was six meters high, and they could get on the beam.

The day before she went to Fangliang, Liang Huan went to the county. She took time to go to the black market to sell vegetables and earn five or six yuan. Then she went to Ji Jianjian's house and told Aunt Ji that her family would go to Fangliang tomorrow.

It's a big deal to go to the house in the countryside. When Aunt Ji heard her that she was going to go to the house, she immediately said that she would go back with her. She would cook for dozens of people to go to the house tomorrow. She was afraid that Liang Huan could not do it alone.

Aunt Ji is an elder who sincerely thinks about Ji Hongjun. If she wants to come to help, Liang Huan will naturally not refuse. She nodded and agreed.

However, after promising Aunt Ji, she did not go home with Aunt Ji immediately, but went to the supply and marketing agency with Aunt Ji with the money and ticket.

When Liang Huan went to the supply and marketing agency, he looked at Ji's second sister-in-law and whispered, "Aunch, everyone in the village said that they should take care of a good meal in the house. I went to the supply and marketing agency to buy vegetables. I don't know what I need to buy and what to buy. Please give me some advice."

"Zhong, let's go together." Aunt Ji replied cheerfully.

Probably because of happiness, Aunt Ji walked much faster than usual. Liang Huan walked with her with a smile on her face.

The house was on the beam, and it would take a few days for her and Hongjun to move to the end of the village. Moving to the end of the village, it is much more convenient for them to do things. It is convenient for Hongjun to do things, and it will be much more convenient for her to grow vegetables.

It's already early spring. After moving to her new home, she can grow some vegetables in the yard of her new home, and put a few more chickens in the space as she said last time, so that the family can eat eggs every day.

On the way to the supply and marketing agency, Liang Huan thought about what happened after the move and talked to Aunt Ji about what had happened in the village recently. Most of what she said was gossip she heard from the villagers. She didn't say the gossip of Lao Ji's family, didn't want to say it, and didn't want to have contact with those people.

When the two of them were talking, they would not have arrived at the supply and marketing agency. In the supply and marketing agency, Aunt Ji asked Liang Huan to buy a lot of miscellaneous grains and some pastries. Finally, she told her, "Go and buy some sugar. It's a happy event to go to the house at home. Let the people in the village be happy."

People in the village pay more attention to going to the house. The family is in good condition. When they go to the house, they will send some melon seeds and peanuts to make the people in the village happy. Some conditions are ordinary. They will also make some small odds and give it to the people who watch the fun, so that they can be happy together. The red brick house built by Liang Huan's family, Aunt Ji felt that the house was well built, and buying some wedding candy was also appropriate for the scene.

Liang Huan doesn't know much about some customs in the village. Aunt Ji has more experience in life than her. In terms of human etiquette, she has to listen to Aunt Ji's. After listening to Aunt Ji's words, Liang Huan went to the candy store, took a catty of candy tickets and bought a catty of candy.

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