Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 - Liang Huan stopped and looked at...

Liang Huan paused and looked at Ji Hongjun's back: "Ji Hongjun, we are different from normal couples."

She crossed the original owner halfway, and became a husband and wife when she were not familiar with Ji Hong. In the past few days, they have slept in a regular way, and they are different from normal couples.

Ji Hongjun listened to Liang Huan's words and looked back into her eyes: "What's the difference?"

"I, many different." Liang Huan looked at other places and looked at Ji Hong.

Ji Hongjun's eyes were too sharp. Looking at those eyes, his heartbeat would be irregular, and he couldn't say what he wanted to say in his heart.

Looking at Liang Huan's appearance, Ji Hongjun hooked her lips, stepped back two steps to her and took her hand.

"We are like normal couples, we get married first, and then live together."

Ji Hongjun paused for a moment and took Liang Huan's hand and walked forward. When she left, a low magnetic voice came into Liang Huan's ears: "As for husband and wife-life, when you adapt, there will be."

Liang Huan originally looked down at the snow under his feet, and the palm of his hand and the temperature from Ji Hongjun's big hand. Hearing what he said in his ears, Liang Huan pulled Ji Hongjun's hand and stopped and looked up at his face.

Ji Hongjun looked as usual as if there were no one. It seemed that he didn't say that sentence just now.

Several young people came to face. They were about the same age as Ji Hong. Seeing Ji Hongjun holding hands with Liang Huan, they joked, "Hongjun and your mother-in-law are so good? Don't let go out?"

Liang Huan felt that the palms of her hands were more hot. Under the gaze of those young people, she wanted to shake off Ji Hongjun's hand.

Ji Hongjun pulled Liang Huan's hand more forcefully as if she knew what she was thinking.

Ji Hongjun looked up and looked at the young man who had just teased him: "My daughter-in-law, naturally has a good relationship with me."

"Hongjun, you have enough. Don't you just have a mother-in-law? The words have become literary, very village-headed educated youths. The educated youth at the head of the village are the best dressed like city people all day long, which makes the girls in the village like to see them.

The men in their countryside should be strong and work better than educated youths. Why don't a good girl look at him?

Regarding the question of speaking, Ji Hongjun seemed to be the same as Liang Huan thought. Hearing the young man raise this question, he said directly, "Let educated youth go to the countryside to build the countryside, which shows that educated youths have something worth learning. They speak politely and can learn."

The young man obviously didn't like the educated youth very much. After listening to Ji Hongjun's words, he waved his hand directly, "Okay, I'm leaving. Take your mother-in-law to pay New Year's greetings."

After saying that, the young man left with a group of young men around him. As they walked forward, Liang Huan heard the young man say later, "When I get married, I will also take my mother-in-law to pay New Year's greetings, take my mother-in-law's hand and walk around the village."

Liang Huan felt that the palm of his hand was more hot. After pulling it, I wanted to let go of Ji Hongjun's hand.

Ji Hongjun was very powerful. He clenched it tightly, and Liang Huan didn't pull it open. Ji Hongjun pulled Liang Huan forward as if she didn't realize that Liang Huan wanted to break free of his hand.

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