- Chapter 5: Without Mother Ji's trouble...

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Chapter 5: Without Mother Ji's trouble...

Without Mother Ji's trouble, the decision of the separation was in Father Ji's hands. He looked at the list given to him by the scorer. The list wrote down everything including the houses and poultry that could be seen on the surface of his house. The invisible things such as money and food weren't written.

Father Ji handed the list to several sons. He took an old cigarette from the bag and knocked it on the edge of the kang. He looked at Ji Hongjun, "Fourth son, you and your wife's things are written on the list clearly. Everything at home has been divided equally. Our family has five points in possession. You are lazy and usually do work outside. If you keep the land, you won't grow anything on it, so we won't give it to you."

"You have also seen the pots and pans written by Brother Hua. Two people are using one bowl and we only have one pot. There are a lot of people in the family, so these will not be given to you. There's a clay pot that you can use to cook and eat with. There are not enough farm tools at home, and you don't usually work much. I'll keep them and compensate you a catty of sweet potatoes."

"There is not much food at home and there are still 200 catties when the dozen is full. I'll let you take advantage of it. I'll give you 50 catties, 20 catties of sweet potatoes, 20 catties of coarse grain, and 10 catties of potatoes."

"There is also money and the house. The cost of the family is high and I can't save much all year round. There's still five yuan at home, so I'll give you one. As for the house, although your grandfather said that the east wing is left for you, there are many people in the family. None of your nephew and nieces have a room to live in, so you should live in your original room, while the two rooms in the east wing are given to your second brother for his children to live in."

The brothers stood aside and listened to Father Ji's arrangements. The eldest brother didn't react much. The second brother wanted to say something but was pulled back by the eldest.

Their father has taken advantage of the separation of the family like this.

The brothers didn't say anything, but the second wife was unwilling, "Dad, this is unreasonable. Hongjun's room has been given to the twins, so it can't be given back to them. The thatched house at the end of the village is good. It's a single-family home and the outside is large, so let them live there."

Liang Huan has been listening to Father Ji's arrangements. Although she isn't a native here, she has the memory of the original owner, so she still knows about this world.

In this era, people in the countryside mainly farmed. Without agricultural tools, they can't work. If they don't work, they aren't given food and could not eat. Pots and pans are also important. Here, a family having an iron pot means they're in good condition. Many people do not have pots or bowls at home and rely on crock pots to cook.

Father Ji left all the good things at home and gave them the useless ones. The second wife still wanted them to live in the collapsed thatched hut at the end of the village. Liang Huan naturally disagreed. She looked at the second wife and said, "Sister-in-law, since you think the thatched hut is good, I won't stop you and second brother to live in it."

Let her live in that shabby thatched hut? The second wife immediately retorted, "No, that house is yours and the fourth brother's. I won't take advantage of you and stay at home."

Liang Huan laughed, "Sister-in-law herself knows that the thatched hut isn't good and doesn't want to live in it. Your heart is dark enough."

After arguing, Liang Huan no longer looked at her and turned to Father Ji. "Dad, you didn't divide fairly. As you said, there are five points of reserved land, then it should be divided into five parts. Hongjun and I have one point. There are fifteen people in the family, and the eight bowls have to be divided into five parts. Hongjun and I account for one and a half bowl. There's only one pot, so leave it to the family's but now we need to buy an iron pot..."

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