Chapter 55-56

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Chapter 55

After saying that, Ji Hongjun turned his head and continued to eat.

Baodan was still young. He didn't notice the deep meaning of Ji Hongjun's words. After listening to Ji Hongjun's words, he subconsciously replied, "You are my brother-in-law. I'm my elder sister's younger brother. My elder sister should make me more steamed egg custard."

Bao Dan curled his lips and looked at Liang Huan and muttered, "Sister is biased. The egg custard given to me is not as much as my brother-in-law."

Qin Meiqi sat next to Liang Huan, secretly glanced at Baodan and Ji Hongjun, and then bowed her head and ate her own meal.

When Liang Huan heard Baodan's words, he just looked at him lightly: "Your brother-in-law does a lot of work, and whoever in our family does more work will eat more."

Baodan bowed his head and didn't say anything to refute. He really didn't do as much work as his brother-in-law.

Ji Hongjun sat on the right side of Liang Huan. Baodan stopped talking. He turned his head slightly and looked at Liang Huan with deep eyes. His eyes seemed to ask: Is it just because he has done a lot of work?

Liang Huan looked at him and said, "Hurry up and eat."

This man, why did she give him more egg custard? Can he not know? She is a man, she doesn't care who he cares. Can you say this in front of the child?

Liang Huan stunned Ji Hong's eyes. Ji Hongjun looked at her as if she seemed to be a little angry. She hooked her lips slightly and ate with a bowl.

Liang Huan's cooking was delicious. Although the baby egg was a little awkward at the beginning of the meal, after the beginning of the meal, all four of them began to eat seriously. Except for eating, they didn't pay attention to anything else. Liang Huan cooked delicious food and worked all morning. They didn't do such a refreshing meal. The law is not addicted to delicious food.

The table at Liang Huan's house is warm and quiet.

On the other side, the captain's dinner table was a little condensed.

After Father Ji's family left, the captain called the old secretary to his house. After that, the two talked about Ji Hongjun at the captain's house for a long time. It was until noon. It was time to have dinner, and neither of them talked about the results.

The captain's daughter-in-law saw that it was noon, and the captain was still talking to the old secretary, so she cooked a meal, made a stewed cabbage with potatoes, and left the old secretary to eat at home.

At this time, when eating at someone else's house, he ate other people's rations, and the old secretary was embarrassed to eat other people's food. He said hello and wanted to leave.

But the captain wanted to talk to him about Ji Hongjun's family again, so he said to him, "Uncle, eat here. Let's talk about Hongjun again."

The captain said so, and the old secretary did not leave and stayed at the captain's house for dinner. However, at the dinner table in the main room, there were only the captain and the old secretary. The captain's son and daughter-in-law were eating in the kitchen. They knew that the captain had something to talk to the old secretary, so they were very interested that they didn't come to eat with them and eat. The table was reserved for them.

At the dinner table, the old secretary took the nest head and looked at the captain: "Guobin, I still think that although Changshan made a mistake, he is Hongjun's father after all. He is the parents in the world. The house is not red, and it is reasonable to leave it to his parents."

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