Chapter 51-52

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Chapter 51

Ji Hongjun's house, the door of the yard was empty. Baodan arrived at the door of his house and pushed the door directly in. When he went in, he shouted, "Sister, I'm coming."

A group of men eating in the yard were talking and eating lively. Hearing the shout of the eggs, most of them turned their heads and looked at the door.

Ji Hongjun also turned his head and looked over there. When he saw Baodan, his dark eyes had no emotional change.

"Your elder sister is in the kitchen. Go in and find him."

Baodan thought that he came to Ji Hongjun's house, and there were only his eldest sister and brother-in-law in the family. As a result, when he saw so many people, he was a little scared and nodded: "Oh."

Baodan walked to the stove. Uncle Ji said to the people at the table, "Come on, let's eat."

The courtyard was full of excitement again. Those men were eating delicious food while discussing Ji Hongjun's house.

In the stove, Liang Huan also heard the sound of Baodan, but she did not go out. She still sat on the small stool and ate with Aunt Ji.

Baodan entered the room, stood by the door and said gently, "Sister, I'm coming."

Liang Huan then looked up at Baodan: "Well, come and eat. There is rice in the pot, and you can serve it yourself."

Baodan didn't eat by himself at home. He always eats at home with his mouth and clothes to reach out. At this time, Liang Huan asked him to serve his own meal, and he stood still at a loss.

"Sister, can you give it to me?"

Liang Huan looked up and looked at him faintly: "If you want to eat, you can eat it yourself. If you don't eat it, don't eat it."

Liang Huan's noodles were made with sesame oil, which smelled very fragrant. Baodan has been running from home to Liang Huan's house since school. He has been hungry for a long time. The smell of fragrant noodles also screamed.

If you don't eat, you can't eat. Naturally, Baodan doesn't want to. He wants to make trouble with Liang Huan like at home. He wants to lie on the ground and roll. He wants to make Liang Huan to serve him food.

But looking at Liang Huan, who was sitting on the stool eating with a blank face, Baodan didn't dare to do it. He picked up the spoon on the stove to serve himself.

Baodan had not served his own rice before. When he served the rice himself, his hands were clumsy, but he looked at the fragrant noodles in the pot and thought to eat it, and his hands were much more stable. He clumsily served himself a bowl of rice with a bowl.

Looking at the noodles in the bowl, Baodan breathed a sigh of relief and felt a sense of satisfaction. He took the bowl and went to the small stool next to Liang Huan and sat down.

"Sister, I'm serving noodles myself."

Liang Huan glanced at him faintly and pushed the radish and pickles in front of him: "Do you want to eat?"

"Eat." The baby egg held the bowl and ate the noodles with pickles.

Aunt Ji looked at the sister and brother getting along with each other with a smile. Looking at Baodan sitting and eating obediently, she smiled: "Hongjun's family, your brother is very good."

Baby, good boy? Hearing Aunt Ji's praise, Liang smiled and didn't say anything.

Baodan directly ignored Aunt Ji's words. He was bowing his head and eating noodles. The noodles made by my elder sister are so delicious. They are much more delicious than those made by my mother. They are fragrant and the noodles are also very strong. Unlike the noodles made by my mother, they are rough and throaty.

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