- Chapter 16: She entered the space as she lay on the bed.

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Chapter 16: She entered the space as she lay on the bed.

Liang Huan in the room believed that Ji Hongjun wouldn't leave the kitchen so quickly. She entered the space as she lay on the bed.

When Liang Huan first stepped foot inside the space, she went to the place she had planted potatoes the day before. She was shocked to see the potato seedlings.

Yesterday's potatoes that were sown have sprouted, and the seedlings are already five centimeters tall. She's lived a long time and has heard about planting, but she's never done it herself. Here, the seedlings developed extraordinarily quickly. It's possible that the land there is different.

Liang Huan was unable to pinpoint the cause. She set her thoughts aside and went to the creek with a wooden bucket to water the earth once more before leaving the space.

Ji Hongjun packed while in the kitchen and saw that it was becoming dark. He entered the main room and greeted Liang Huan, who was seated on the kang, saying, "I'm heading out. I will lock the door."

When Liang Huan heard Ji Hongjun's words, she had just left the space. Given that she was anxious, she quickly replied, "Okay."

As soon as he heard her response, he pulled up the worn-out cotton-padded jacket that was wrapping his body, went out of the house, locked the yard door from the outside, and then headed directly for the mountain that loomed at the end of the village.


A figure swiftly entered the village from the country route and went toward home as snow began to fall heavily and the sky turned slightly white.

Ji Hongjun entered the yard after unlocking the door and made his way to the main room.

When the door opened, a gust of cold air came in, causing Liang Huan to shiver in her sleep and slowly open her eyes.

The surroundings were dim. Ji Hongjun was approaching the kang when Liang Huan opened her eyes, "Is it time to get up?" She muttered in a daze.

Ji Hongjun approached the bedside and removed his tattered, cotton-padded clothing "It's still early. Go back to sleep."

Liang Huan didn't want to get out of the cozy quilt. "Uh-huh." She dozed off once more.

Ji Hongjun lingered beside the kang. He moved to the end of the kang and laid down.

Liang Huan awoke at the crack of dawn. Her legs were situated on top of Ji Hongjun's legs. She became more tense. She pulled the quilt, carefully shifted her legs, and climbed out of bed.

She observed that he slept well and showed no indications of waking. Liang Huan stood up and prepared to enter the kitchen to cook breakfast. She moved two steps before spotting the bag in the corner. Ji Hongjun returned yesterday with this bag, which contained two rabbits. What did he bring today, she wondered.

Liang Huan was stunned as she opened the bag.

Along with a dead pheasant, there was a piece of streaky pork, fat meat, and less lean meat.

You can simmer the pheasant with potatoes. Pork like this can be used to refine oil, which is good. People in this period enjoy the fragrant lard.

In the morning it was snowing heavily and she was in a good mood. She didn't want to go outside because it was so chilly. After setting the meat aside, Liang Huan entered the kitchen. Before starting to make breakfast, she boiled water and scrubbed everything.

Liang Huan cooked two potatoes after finishing the pastries from yesterday. Yesterday, she seized four of Ji's eggs from their home and boiled them in a pot. Liang Huan mashed the potatoes after steaming them.

Liang Huan was unaware of when Ji Hongjun returned yesterday. He was still sound asleep when she came into the main room to prepare breakfast. Cleaning was done by Liang Huan, who also separated the pork fat and cut it into slices.

The meat was skillfully sliced by Liang Huan. She immediately washed her hands before running to the main room when she noticed that he hadn't yet woken up. Ji Hongjun is still sleeping deeply. "It's time to eat, Hongjun," said Liang Huan as she stood to the side.

The man in bed opened his eyes abruptly. Ji Hongjun's murderous eyes were staring back at Liang Huan at that moment.

When he recognized the wooden beams, his gaze gradually turned back, and he said, "Okay," sounding composed. The voice remained a bit raspy.

She returned to the kitchen after hearing his response. Ji Hongjun's expression had been on her mind. Ji Hongjun, who was raised in the country, shouldn't have the ability to make that expression.

When he walked into the kitchen, Liang Huan had already set the table with eggs, mashed potatoes, and porridge for breakfast.

Before picking up his chopsticks, Ji Hongjun sat down, took some money tickets out of his pocket, and gave them to Liang Huan.

Liang Huan was about to pick up her chopsticks to begin eating when she was forced to hold a stack of money tickets, "Where did this come from?" She asked, caught off guard.

He handed tickets and 50 cents.

"I was lucky to encounter a wild boar yesterday."

Ji Hongjun spoke as if killing a wild boar were of no significance. The money in Liang Huan's hand suddenly felt a bit hot.

"You're not harmed, are you, Hongjun?" Wild boars are quite dangerous. How did Ji Hongjun defeat it by himself?

"No, it's cold out there. The boar was frozen and unable to resist."

Liang Huan returned the money to him, "Next time, pay closer attention and don't fight this kind of deadly animal. You keep the money since you earned them."

She still has some money in her hand. He should keep this money for his own use.

Ji Hongjun didn't even glance at it. He added after finishing the porridge, "You manage everything at home. You use the money to buy more food."

To fetch another dish, he got up.

Liang Huan looked him over. His tall nose, strong jawline, and deep eyes gave him a gorgeous appearance. He was quite attractive and had treated her well thus far.

Liang Huan, who was holding the money, noticed Ji Hongjun settling back down with a sizable bowl of porridge. "Ji Hongjun, are you not full?" She asked.

After giving it some thought, Ji Hongjun replied, "No, I ate until I was 80% full last night."

She simmered a ton of chicken soup last night. She thought that she and Ji Hongjun could each have two meals. When she awoke the following morning, she saw that the soup and meat were gone from the pot. She was aware that Ji Hongjun had finished everything. She cooked the chicken soup following the food standards of the time. Ji Hongjun only consumed food until he was 80% satisfied.

Where the food was going in Ji Hongjun's body was unclear to Liang Huan. He was tall and lean.

"Next time, I'll make extra food."

His eyes lit up when he heard her say she was going to cook more. He nodded and said, "Well, I'll make money and I'll buy it if I don't have enough food at home."

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