Chapter 47-48

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Chapter 47

Liang Huan saw Ji Hongjun, and Ji Hongjun also saw him. On the other side of the alley, Ji Hongjun's deep eyes fell on Liang Huan for a few seconds, and then casually withdrew his eyes and looked at the deputy director Liang beside him.

Liang Huan was looked at by Ji Hongjun, and her heart was raised to her throat. She was secretly trading with others now. If Ji Hongjun came over, what should she tell him? Fortunately, he didn't come over.

Liang Huan thought, and the middle-aged woman beside her looked at her and said, "My house is here. You can go to the yard with me to get the money."

Liang Huan nodded: "Oh, okay."

Liang Huan answered the middle-aged woman's words, quietly looked at Ji Hong's eyes, and then followed the middle-aged woman to their yard.

Entering the yard, Liang Huan did not follow into the house, but stood in the yard waiting for the middle-aged woman to go in to get the money. Liang Huan waited in the yard for a while, and the middle-aged woman came out with the money.

She handed the money to Liang Huan and said enthusiastically, "Sister, my husband's surname is Li. When you come to me in the future, just call me Aunt Li." Next time you have green vegetables, you can send them directly to my house, just say that you are my niece. Do you like it?

Her mother's family is in the countryside. There are several brothers in her family, nephews and nieces. Every time a countryman comes to her house to change things, someone says that she is her nephew and niece of her family when they see it. If no one sees it, there is no need to say anything.

Climb a relative to find an excuse. It will be convenient to sell vegetables at home in the future. Liang Huan has no reason not to agree. She looked at the middle-aged woman and nodded and answered, "Ocise, Aunt Li, I'll leave today. I'll bring you the vegetables next time."

Aunt Li thought for a moment, grabbed Liang Huan, approached her and whispered, "Big sister, do you have a lot of vegetables? If there are more, can you send more next time?

She knows a lot of people. Many people have run out of vegetables during the Spring Festival, and they have eaten all the cabbage and radishes. If she gives vegetables to others, she must have someone to ask for them, and she can also ask for more things when she gives them to others.

There are a lot of vegetables in Liang Huan's space, and the beans grow very fast. She picked one-third of the beans today. Today, she picked them. It is estimated that they will grow a lot tomorrow. It's no problem to sell ten catties of beans a day.

"There are green vegetables. Aunt Li, how much do you want?"

"Next time you come, bring ten catties of beans and ten catties of green vegetables. Do you think it's okay?" She wants ten catties first to see if she can go out. If she can go out, she can make money. If she can go out, she can eat it by herself.

"Oced, next time there are vegetables at home, I'll bring them to you, Aunt Li, it's getting late. I'll go first."

I don't know if Hongjun and that person have left. She went out of Aunt Li's house and tried to find a way to get some vegetables. When she saw Hongjun, she also had an excuse that she was here to buy vegetables.

Liang Huan walked out of Aunt Li's yard and looked around. Seeing that there was no one around, she went to a hidden corner, entered the space, and got a handful of beans out of the space.

Liang Huan took the vegetables out of the space, carried them in the bag, and walked out of the alley.

At the corner outside the alley, Liang Huan was blocked by a shadow as soon as she turned out of the alley. She looked up and saw a familiar face.

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