Chapter 65-66

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Chapter 65

At night, in order to save kerosene lamps, most people eat and go to bed. In the spring breeze, Qin Meiqi hugged her body, quickly crossed the path in the village, and trotted to the end of the village.

At the end of the village, Liang Huan's house, Ji Hong was not at home. It was still early. She was not sleepy, so she took the cloth to make clothes for herself. The clothes made for Hongjun have been put away, and she is going to start making clothes for herself.

Under the kerosene lamp, she was sewing her clothes, and there was a knock on the door outside. There was a regular knock on the door. Although the person who knocked on the door was in a hurry, he had always been very regular. He knocked three times and stopped for a few seconds and continued to knock.

Liang Huan knew that it was not Ji Hongjun as soon as he heard this method of knocking on the door. When her Hongjun came back, she usually came in directly. At night, she didn't have to smear out to open the door. And Hongjun has gone to the county, so he should not come back so soon.

Liang Huan thought, stood up and opened the door.

The door opened, and Qin Meiqi's face was faintly seen in the dark, which was not very real.

"Miki?" Liang Huan was not sure about asking.

Qin Meiqi nodded: "Sister-in-law, it's me."

Liang Huan listened to her voice as if she was a little crying, and immediately opened the door: "What's wrong with you? Come on in."

Liang Huan took Qin Meiqi's hand. The moment he held Qin Meiqi's hand, it felt like holding a piece of ice. It's spring now. Although it's still a little cold, his hands shouldn't be so cold. Liang Huan paused slightly, then closed the door and continued to pull Qin Meiqi into the house.

Taking her into the room, Liang Huan asked her to sit in the room first. She turned around and went to the stove.

There was no warm kettle at home, and I didn't get the kettle ticket. The hot water at home was put in the pot. When cooking at night, there were sparks under the stove. At this time, the water in the pot was still hot. Liang Huan went in and added a few pieces of firewood. In five minutes, the water in the pot boiled. She scooped a bowl of boiling water and took it away. The main room.

In the main room, when Liang Huan entered the room, Qin Meiqi was still sitting in a daze, maintaining the posture of Liang Huan sitting when he went to the stove. Liang Huan frowned slightly, walked over with the bowl, and put the bowl in front of her: "Miqie, drink some hot water."

Qin Meiqi looked up and said, "Sister-in-law, thank you."

Qin Meiqi gently took a mouthful of water with the bowl, and then put down the bowl: "Sister-in-law, are all people like this? When it's good, many people come up. It's not good. People who kiss again hide away. People who used to please you will be more like you?

For that fiance, he used to chase her. He didn't seem to like it, but the family said that they would get married in the future and got used to it. At this time, he wanted to cancel the marriage and insulted her parents in the letter. She was aggrieved.

Qin Meiqi asked these words, and her face was still very erratic and obviously absent-minded. Liang Huan looked at her look and thought about the characteristics of the times at this time, and had a little speculation in her heart.

I guess it has something to do with the news she got when she went to the town during the day. Maybe her family is in trouble. In this era, the most likely thing is to be delegated and decentralized. The components of the family are likely to be divided into bad elements. Because of the ingredients, some relatives and friends who are close to each other are unwilling to continue to interact. Yes.

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