Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

Ji Hongjun helped Liang Huan take care of the two children in the room. When they stopped crying, he went to the stove again.

In the kitchen, Uncle Ji and Aunt Ji didn't eat, and they were waiting for Ji Hongjun. Niuniu nestled in Uncle Ji's arms and played with his cigarette bag in her little hand.

Seeing that Ji Hongjun entered the house, Aunt Ji stood up to serve the meal. Ji Hongjun made chicken soup and distilled the nest head. The whole family ate chicken and drank the soup with the nest head.

Not to mention, it's cool to drink chicken soup in winter, and it's warm after drinking it. Niuniu also sat on a small stool with a chicken leg and nibbled. When she nibbled the meat, her eyes were shining: "Meat, it's delicious."

The crisp child's voice came into Ji Hongjun's ear. He looked at Niuniu and thought of his daughter in his mind. He took a piece of boneless meat and put it in Niuniu's bowl: "It's delicious, eat more."

Niuniu was well-educated and polite. The little man looked at the meat in his bowl and pulled Aunt Ji beside her, and Ji Hongjun pointed to the meat in his bowl.

Aunt Ji looked at her granddaughter and said with a smile, "Uncle gives you meat. You have to say thank you."

The daughter-in-law said that she would let Niuniu live with them in the countryside first. When it was time to go to school, they had to teach her the habits of the city. People in this city like to say thank you.

Niuniu took the meat and looked at Ji Hongjun: "Thank you, Uncle Xie."

Ji Hongjun hooked her lips slightly and didn't say anything.

After eating and drinking enough, Aunt Ji went to wash the dishes and chopsticks. Ji Hongjun stood up and wanted to see his wife and children in the hall, but was stopped by Uncle Ji.


Ji Hongjun turned around and said, "Uncle, what's the matter?"

Uncle Ji pointed to the stool opposite and said in a low voice, "Sit down and let's talk for a while."

Ji Hongjun walked back and sat down, quietly waiting for Uncle Ji to talk about things.

"Hongjun, you have your child in the blink of an eye. Uncle is happy for you." Uncle Ji paused as he spoke.

Ji Hongjun didn't answer. He knew that Uncle Ji had not finished his words, so he quietly waited for him to continue.

"In the future, if you have a wife and children, you will have your own family. It is a good thing that a big man can take care of his family. I used to think that you, a big man, couldn't take care of your daughter-in-law, so when your daughter-in-law gave birth to a child, she asked your sister-in-law to live here, thinking that she could help your daughter-in-law take care of the child.

"Your aunt has also lived there for a while. I heard from your aunt that you take good care of your home and outside the house, and you are more thoughtful than her. You can take good care of this family. I want your aunt to go home and live.

"In this winter, you still have to go home to take your aunt to do the work outside the house."

He has never cooked in his life. The old lady lives in Hongjun's house for a day, and he has to eat here for a day. As the old lady said, the Hongjun family's food rations are good. They are the elders and eat some during the Spring Festival. It's considered to be the child's filial piety. It's not good to eat with them every day. No one's food is blown by the strong wind.

Ji Hongjun didn't expect Uncle Ji to say such a thing, but after thinking for a while, he answered, "Okin. On the day of the full moon wine, you may have to entertain relatives and friends, and then you will need your aunt to help you.

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