Chapter 35-36

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Chapter 35

In the state-run restaurant, most of the workers in the town went to work. There were few people eating in the restaurant. When Liang Huan followed Ji Hongjun in, he only saw two or three people sitting in it eating. On the other side of the counter, the waitress sat lazily in the back and saw Liang Huan and Ji Hong coming in. She looked up lazily and said indifferently, "What to eat?"

"Four meat buns, two bowls of porridge." Ji Hongjun said in a low voice.

The waiter at the counter looked up at him: "The meat buns are gone, there are only two vegetarian buns, and the porridge is only big dregs porridge. Do you want it?"

"Yes." Ji Hongjun answered.

"Two steamed buns cost half a catty of grain tickets, two cents, and two taels of grain tickets for big porridge, 10 cents. Pay first and then eat." The waiter looked at Ji Hongjun indifferently.

Ji Hongjun took out the food stamps and money and handed them to the waiter.

The waitress took the money ticket and glanced at them: "Find a seat and come and get it by yourself later."

After saying that, the waitress went to the back to get the steamed buns and porridge.

The steamed buns and porridge in the state-owned restaurant were made in advance. As soon as Liang Huan and Ji Hongjun found a place to make it, the waiter came out with the steamed buns and porridge and put the steamed buns and porridge on the counter. She shouted to Ji Hongjun and Liang Huan, "The steamed buns are ready, come and get them."

After the waiter finished speaking, she put the porridge and steamed buns on the counter, and she sat on the chair and leaned lazily.

Ji Hongjun walked over, brought the vegetarian steamed buns and porridge, sat opposite Liang Huan, and handed her a steamed bun: "Eat the steamed bun."

Big white bread, big and white, looks very appetizing. Liang Huan was not polite to Ji Hong. He took the steamed buns and the big porridge in his hand, and ate the steamed buns and ate porridge.

She hasn't eaten since morning, and she is already hungry. After getting the steamed buns and eating the steamed buns, Ji Hongjun and Liang Huan were in a similar state. He was very serious about what he ate. When he got the steamed buns, he bowed his head and ate the steamed buns seriously.

The steamed buns in the state-run restaurant are really delicious. The cabbage is stuffed with vermicelli and lard is in it. Although it is not stuffed with meat, it is also delicious to eat, and the white bread is very good and soft to eat.

Liang Huan ate the steamed buns and looked up at Ji Hongjun: "When we get home, let's eat steamed buns." They also have some pork at home. The steamed buns with pork belly stuffed with pork must be delicious.

When Ji Hongjun heard Liang Huan's words, he nodded: "Yes."

Large white bread can be wrapped at home, and you can eat enough.

There are only two steamed buns and two bowls of porridge. Liang Huan and Ji Hong have one steamed bun and one bowl of porridge, so that two people can finish their meal. Out of the state-owned restaurant, Ji Hongjun took Liang Huan to the county.

When he went back last night, because it was dark and night, Ji Hongjun didn't ride back. He put the captain's car in the county hospital and let Wang Xiumei ride home to take care of the children. There is no bus to the county seat in the town. Now he will go to the county seat, and Liang Huan can only walk there.

Ji Hongjun usually goes to the county alone. He walks fast and can get there in about 40 minutes. Today, probably because he walked with Liang Huan, he walked side by side with Liang Huan on the way to the county, holding her hand and walking to the county with her footsteps. It took more than an hour for two people to arrive in the county.

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