Chapter 45-46

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Chapter 45

Uncle Ji was stunned when he heard Ji Hongjun's words. He looked at Ji Hongjun: "Someone sent you money?"

Who will transfer money to Hongjun every month? It can only be those people. Has the eldest brother been in contact with those people? Why didn't you say it?

Uncle Ji's face showed a stunned look, indicating that he did not know that Old Ji had been withdrawing money.

Ji Hongjun lowered her eyes slightly and replied in a low voice, "Well, it should have been a few years."

He didn't know if anyone had paid Ji Hongjun before, but since Ji Hongjun began to go to the black market, he has met Ji's father several times to withdraw money in the black market. At least in recent years, someone has sent him money.

Uncle Ji was silent. After a while, he said in a low voice, "I don't know about this."

After saying that, Uncle Ji looked up at Ji Hongjun, with a serious tone: "But now that you know that someone has sent you money, you'd better get the money yourself in the future. You're separated, and you don't live with your parents. There's no need to spend your money on them."

The money was given to Hongjun. Now that Hongjun is an adult, he doesn't need to take care of his eldest brother's family. He can't continue to use his money.

"I know, uncle. I have something else to do. Let's go first." He didn't get the answer from Uncle Ji Er. Ji Hong had something to do, so he said goodbye.

"Middle, slow down when you go back, and don't forget to say it when you build the house." Uncle Ji stood up to send Ji Hongjun out.

"Okay." After saying that, Ji Hongjun turned around and walked out of Uncle Ji's house.

After Ji Hongjun left, Aunt Ji sat down beside Uncle Ji with the child in her arms. She also had dissatisfaction on her face: "Big brother has been dealing with the people over there over the years. Why haven't you talk to us?"

Uncle Ji's face was dark. He was silent for a while and replied to Aunt Ji: "Don't worry about this matter. I'll ask my eldest brother later."

"Okay." After saying that, Aunt Ji continued to take care of the children and didn't talk about Ji Hongjun.

Coming out of Aunt Ji's house, Ji Hongjun wanted to go to the bank. Thinking that the bank might not work on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month today, he turned around and went home.

At Ji Hongjun's house, Liang Huan hid in the space to chop meat stuffing. It's the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. There is no material to make sweet dumplings here. You can make some dumplings. Eating dumplings in the evening is also a reunion dinner.

When she didn't enter the fast-wearing world, her family would make dumplings, make meat and steam lamps on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month every year. Now she and Ji Hongjun are both adults. If they steam the lamp, it is not likely to go out at night. At this time, the steam lamp needs to be white noodles. When the people outside their house searched, they did not find white noodles. In order not to cause trouble, it is better not to steam the lamp. But it's okay to have dumplings.

Chop the meat in the space, and the people outside will not hear the sound of her chopping the stuffing. After chopping the meat stuffing, she made the dumplings in the space, and when Ji Hong came back, she could eat the dumplings directly.

She and Ji Hong can eat both. This dumpling is the amount of meal per meal, and it is estimated that it will be finished tonight. As long as no one sees them eating dumplings at night, no one will know that their family eats dumplings at night.

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