Chapter 2

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"Thank you." She whispered, drawing the blanket further around her as if she was cold.

"You're welcome" he replied as they suddenly heard Dr. Bailey's voice again. "Grey, remember the last time you worked while you were sick, you told me something about medications, does that still apply?" she asked, leaving Andrew confused what she was referring to.

"Yes." Meredith said quietly, looking down at the floor. "I'm gonna get Dr. Wyatt." Bailey replied and quickly disappeared again before Meredith could tell her that she didn't need Dr. Wyatt to come. "I am missing out on something here." Andrew said, the confusion written all over his face. What medication? Why did Dr. Wyatt had to come?

"It's nothing." Meredith said, closing her eyes again. And then after a few more minutes Dr. Wyatt appeared in the little space above the tow surgeons sitting on the floor. "Meredith did you take your medication this morning?" she asked and Meredith opened her eyes and looking up, same did Andrew.

"No, can't take them when I have a fever." Meredith said, her voice giving a hint of exhaustion. "That's right and that's why I'm here." Dr. Wyatt begun but Meredith interrupted her. "I'm fine, really, I have it under control. You didn't need to come." She said. "Okay, you'll have someone page me if you need something okay?" Dr. Wyatt gave back, smiling at Meredith encouragingly.

"Okay" Meredith whispered and Wyatt disappeared. "What was that about?" Andrew asked quietly. He wanted to now what that had meant but he also didn't want to cross a line he wasn't supposed to. Meredith had just told him that she could never fall in love with Link which could mean that she felt something for him. And he knew for sure that he felt something for her so he was scared that this small progress would be wasted if he would do a mistake now. But he was curious. Meredith was seeing Dr. Wyatt and she was taking medication.

"It's also a very complicated story." She chuckled. "You're life seems to be really complicated in many ways." He chuckled in response, finding her eyes again. "Are you feeling a little better?" he asked. "Yeah." She said, looking up to the little hole, their connection to the outside-world as they were trapped in this elevator.

"I have ASD and anxiety issues. And I am not allowed to take my meds when I have a fever that's why she came to check." Meredith said quietly. She didn't actually wanted to tell him but somehow he made her feel safe and comfortable so that it just slipped out. She didn't even really overthought it very long. And now it was out. "Autism?" Andrew asked confused, looking at her, shock written all over his face.

"I know how that's a lot to process and I would totally understand if-"she couldn't finfish her sentence, but he knew what she wanted to say. "No Mer, I- I just don't really know what to say. That doesn't mean that I like you any less nor think any differently about you" He said, smiling at her what seemed to trigger a smile to form on her lips as well as they kept looking into eachother's eyes.

"I didn't know about this." He said, not knowing what else to say. "I thought so, your reaction somehow gave it away." She joked, and Andrew had to smile too. Even while talking about something that couldn't be easy for her at all, she still stayed calm and grounded which impressed him.

"I really don't know what to say." He said after another minute of silence. "That's okay..." Meredith gave back shyly.

"Meredith, what you just told me- is indeed a lot but it doesn't change a bit how I feel about you. Voglio ancora baciarti e voglio ancora uscire con te. (I still want to kiss you and I still want to go out with you.)" he said, still scared of speaking this out loud.

"Sei sicuro? Perché capirei perfettamente se non lo fossi... (Are you sure? Because I would understand if not...)" she then said, taking him by surprise, now looking right at him again for a few seconds, her cheeks wet from a few tears that had left her eyes while she had been talking but a smile on her face.

"You- speak Italien." It was a statement rather than a question but he was smiling. "I do." She replied. "Wow." He said, taking in her beautiful features once again, like he did every time he got the chance to look at her. Her cheeks were still red and she still looked a little sick, her fever hadn't come down a lot but still, she was breathtakingly beautiful. And everything she did or said made him like her even more. He couldn’t really explain it but this just felt right.

"I'm sorry if that may seem tactless but I- I want to know more about you. I- want to get to know you Meredith and- I would love if you could tell me more about you. I am really fascinated by neurodivergence and mental illnesses ever since my father got diagnosed with a bipolar disorder." He said, blushing slightly as he looked directly into her emerald green eyes. It seemed as if she had trouble keeping up the eye contact though since she looked away a few times for a few seconds. Also, he was internally making a note to do a lot of research about ASD because if he wanted to be together with Meredith, what he certainly wanted, he needed to know more.

"Are you going to leave if I tell you more? Because in my past people usually ran away after they got to know me better. I can be very difficult to deal with which isn't my intention it's just how I am. And almost everyone I ever met didn't accept that." She said quietly and all of the sudden she seemed to be extremely vulnerable what worried him.

"I'm not running away. I promise. I can't wait to get to know you Meredith because I know that you are worth it. Even if it'll take a while it'll be worth it and I am willing to wait for you until you're ready." He whispered while a sad smile appeared on his lips as he turned towards her again. Her words broke his heart. He didn't know her really well yet but all he did know about her was enough for him to know that it was worth it getting to know her. She deserved to be looked at and he would do everything in his power to make her understand that he would accept her exactly the way she was.

She was still wrapped up in the blanket, shivering slightly. "Are you cold?" he asked concerned. "A little." She replied honestly. He didn't really know what to do but- he also didn't want her to freeze because it might lead to her feeling even worse.

"Okay- what I am about to do has nothing to do with personal matters. I'm a doctor and I'm helping a patient with the utensils I have here." He said, suddenly gaining a lot of confidence. "O-okay" she gave back nervously, not sure what he meant. "Come here." He said, opening his arms. "No way." She said, shaking her head as she understood what he wanted to do. "Don't be stubborn Meredith. You're cold and I don't see another way to keep you warm." He replied and as she hesitantly came closer he pulled her onto his lap, letting her lean against his chest.

And almost instantly a feeling of warmth spread inside of her, a feeling she had never felt before that made her smile as she closed her eyes. 

I'm probably going to post a few more chapters today since I am excited and they're already written =)

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