Chapter 59

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"I have water in my ear!" Meredith exclaimed angrily, tearing up as she nervously started jumping around on one leg to get it out. "Ge out!" she cried, getting more and more frustrated as the feeling didn't disappear.

They had just returned to their house after another long day at the beach. Andrew and Winston were currently preparing dinner as both of them seemed to be pretty talented and an amazing team when it came to cooking. The others were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking wine and eating some chips while Meredith was nervously walking up and down in the living room, trying to contain her emotions.

Taking a deep breath she laid down on the couch, the ear with the water in it facing down as she hoped that it would just flow out. She hated this. All kind of sensory discomfort was extremely hard for her and this feeling of having water in her ear was overwhelming since she was pretty sensitive when it came to any sensory overload like this. "Nothing's working." Meredith said after a few minutes had passed, walking back over to the table where the others were sitting.

"Try a handstand." Alex suggested absently. Meredith glared at him, not sure whether he actually meant what he said. "That wasn't a joke, try a handstand." He said as Meredith just stared at him, not moving. "Can you even do a handstand?" Maggie chuckled, looking up at her sister from her seat. "I've been going climbing for three years now I would beat every single one of you in arm wrestling." She said, smiling proudly through her tears.

And then she bent down, placing her hands on the floor and kicked up her legs to present her perfect handstand. "Wow, impressive." Andrew said, smiling brightly. He knew that Meredith was strong but he didn't know that she was that athletic. "It's working!" she said, her head still facing down as she started to walk around on her hands. She could feel the water in her ear disappearing and that warm, uncomfortable feeling vanished. "Why do I feel the need to challenge her." Amelia asked, observing Meredith with a grin. "Because you're like a five-year-old." Maggie replied, chuckling.

"Thank god." Meredith said, standing up again, her face quite red. "You really think you would beat every one of us in arm wrestling?" Amelia asked, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms over her chest. "I do." Meredith said, smirking. Andrew just smiled brightly at her. He loved it when she was self-confident like this. "You're both like five-year-olds" Maggie chuckled, making everyone laugh.

"Come here." Amelia said, sitting up straighter and placing her elbow on the table. Meredith quickly took a seat and took Amelia's hand in hers, ready to wrestle her down. "Okay, and- go!" Maggie said, watching Meredith pin down Amelia's hand in less than two seconds. Meredith smiled proudly as everyone clapped at her. "I had no idea how strong you really are." Andrew whispered into her ear as he had walked up behind her and bent down to her head to kiss her.

"Dinner's ready everyone!" Winston announced, placing a huge bowl of pasta on the table. Andrew sat down, right next to Meredith, looking at her from the side as she sat there, dressed in her favourite sweatpants and one of his shirts. It was the most amazing feeling in the world, being able to call her his. She was the most precious person on this planet, full of surprises and challenges. And he was so glad that she was feeling better again after last night. It was unbelievable how he could look at her all day without getting tired of it.


After dinner they decided to go on a hike to be able to watch the sunset from a little hill nearby. "Andrew? Could you pack my blue pullover?" she asked as she was sitting on the bed, occupied by the little massage balls in her hands as she was trying to calm herself down after a little meltdown she had because she had eaten too much and now felt nauseous. "Of course." He said, grabbing her blue pullover from the closet and putting it into his backpack. "You okay?" he asked, sitting down on the bed next to her. She nodded, keeping her eyes closed and breathing deeply. Leaning over he placed a kiss on her cheek, trying to comfort her a little.

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