Chapter 34

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"He's here! He's here!" Meredith said excited as she heard the doorbell ring. "Calm down Mer." Maggie chuckled, watching her sister run over to the door. And as she opened the door there he was. Andrew. With a huge bouquet of flowers in his hand, a big smile on his face as she took in her appearance. "Hi." He said, laying an arm around her back and pulling her in for a kiss. "Hi." She whispered, resting her forehead against his while standing on tiptoes. Both of them were more than happy to be finally able to be so close to each other again. Because at the hospital, by now everyone new that they were a couple but they still had to keep it professional. So, the amount of kissing that happened there was too less.

"Come in, I already ordered I hope that's okay but they said it would probably take about half an hour and I wanted to make sure to keep track of the timetable." She rambled really fast, making him smile to himself as he took off his shoes. "Are you still on caffeine or are you just really excited." He chuckled, making her glare at him.

"So, I'm gonna go, I'm staying at Winston's. Have a good time." Maggie said, before leaving the house. "Now we have the whole house to ourselves." Meredith said as she led him into the kitchen where they found a vase for the flowers. "Thank you, they're really beautiful." Meredith said as she observed them closely before placing them on the kitchen isle. "You're welcome." He said, smiling at how cute she was in her leggings and oversized sweatshirt. He himself was wearing a pair of sweatpants himself as well as a simple shirt and a jacket. He loved the dress code of their dates. It was just so uncomplicated with Meredith and he was more than excited about that.

"Come on, lets get comfortable." He said, taking her hand and leading her back into the living room. He sat down on the couch, pulling her down with him so that she ended up sitting on his lap, cuddled into his chest sidewards. "This is really good." Meredith said, closing her eyes to enjoy the moment. "Yeah it is." He said, feeling entirely relaxed as well. "This week was not the best. But it's over, finally." She whispered, melting into him.

"You're still a little tense though, is everything okay?" he asked concerned, rubbing her back. "I'm fine." She gave back, taking a few deep breaths. "You can tell me." He said, watching her as she sat up straighter, looking at him for a few seconds. "I'm just a little nervous." She said quietly, her cheeks turning bright red. "That's okay, it's really adorable actually." He said, stroking her cheek carefully. This was way better than forced talks about whatever while sitting in a restaurant in uncomfortable clothes. This was what dates should be like. That you just meet at home, and relax on the couch together. And the fact that Meredith was still nervous made everything even more exciting. "There's no need to be nervous Mer, it's just me." He added as he noticed that she still seemed a little tense. "I know, but I still- I don't know what we're supposed to do and what- I am supposed to do." She said, getting even redder if that was even possible.

"Just be yourself. Because I love the way you are when you're just you. And we aren't supposed to do anything, we'll just enjoy being together alright?" he said, stroking her hair and putting a strand of it behind her ear. "Okay." She whispered, looking up at him again before leaning in, placing her lips on his.

Very carefully he grabbed her hips and turned her a little so that she could lay her legs around his waist to be even closer to him. And slowly he deepened the kiss, trying to bring in some passion into the soft and timid kissing. And since she didn't pull away he kept going, lifting up her sweater a little to place his hands around her bare waist. After a few more minutes of making out Meredith pulled away slowly, her eyes fixed on his lips. "You okay?" he asked, not moving his hands away from her. "This feels really good." She said quietly, looking up into his eyes before closing them and starting to kiss him again.

Still very thoughtful of what he was doing he gently moved up his hands a little, noticing that Meredith wasn't wearing a bra beneath. But he didn't go there yet, not wanting to scare her away. She on the other side seemed to be a little too shy to move her hands away from his waist, but she did bring her hips closer to him by tightening the grip she had with her legs around him.

But he needed to focus. Because he was very close to getting an erection and he was a million percent sure that Meredith was not ready for that. Suddenly they heard the doorbell ring what made Meredith flinch as she pulled away. "You okay? It's just the sushi probably." He said, smiling at her. "Yeah, can- can you get it please, I already paid online I just-"

"It's alright, I'll get it." He said, interrupting her since he already knew what she wanted to say. So, he carefully lifted her off of him and walked over to the door, getting the sushi and giving the driver a small tip. As he walked back into the living room he saw her sitting on the couch cross-legged, two fingers on her lips as she smiled, looking down. "You sure you're alright?" he asked teasingly, smiling at her as he placed the containers on the kitchen table.

"Mhm." She nodded, a small grin appearing on her face. "Do you know how to use chopsticks?" he then asked as he sat back down next to her. She just shook her head, watching as he took them out of the bag and opening the sushi boxes as well as the soja sauce. "I'll teach you." He said, sitting down on the floor in front of the couch table. "Come here." He said, pulling her down onto his lap as she sat down.

Then he unpacked the chopsticks and carefully took her right hand in his, placing the sticks in her hand. "Like this, now try to pick up the roll." He said after placing them correctly but keeping his bigger hand around her slightly smaller one. She had difficulties keeping the sticks in place so that he carefully assisted her, helping her pick up the sushi. "There you go." He chuckled, kissing the top of her head. "Wow this is so good." She said, leaning back against him happily as she ate the roll.

Like this they continued to eat the whole container of sushi and throughout the evening Meredith got better and better with the chopsticks as well. "This was absolutely delicious." She said after they finished everything and were now cleaning up the empty boxes. "It was, thank you." He said, kissing her cheek from behind her as she was washing her hands.

"Now, what are we going to do?" he asked as they walked back into the living room. As he sat down on the couch he noticed how she was biting her lip, sitting down next to him. "Let me guess." He said, smiling brightly as he pulled her onto his lap again, starting to kiss her softly. "Best date ever." She whispered against his lips, slightly out of breath. "Definitely." He said, pulling her in for another kiss. 

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