Chapter 6

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When Meredith woke up, there were only a few people left in the room, some were asleep, some were talking and some were still watching the series. She still felt a little tired and she was nauseous again. She slowly sat up, her hand resting on her stomach but as she noticed Andrew asleep on the couch next to her a slight smile appeared on her lips. She stood up and walked out of the cafeteria and into the restroom, falling onto her knees and starting to throw up once again. All she wanted to do was go home, curl up in a ball and sleep for the rest of the week. Until Thursday. She said the truth when she said she was looking forward to that date although at the same time she was still scared. Because she still had no idea to explain her eating disorder to him. But she couldn't wait to spend more time with Andrew. Somehow this moment they had in the elevator had changed something in her mindset. She wanted this. Dating someone would still be overwhelming and definitely a new challenge but she was open to face it and try to overcome her fears because somehow everything seemed different with Andrew, everything seemed better.

After about five minutes she thought it was safe enough to stay up again so she shuffled over to the sink and washed her face with cold water. The ice-cold liquid felt amazing on her burning skin and it also helped with her sore throat. As another deafening thunder crashed in the sky Meredith flinched once again as she tried to calm herself down by taking a few deep breaths and clutching her hands around the two tiny balls in her pockets while starting to count again. She was alone in here. She couldn't bare to be alone so she quickly made her way out of the restroom and back into the cafeteria. She immediately relaxed a little as she heard people talking while an episode of The Big Bang theory was still playing in the background.

She walked back to her couch, falling onto it, burying her face into the blanket, pulling it over her head. "Mer? Are you okay?" she heard a familiar voice. It was Alex. As she put down the blanket again she saw him kneeling in front of him. "Holy shit, you're as pale as a ghost." Alex said, feeling her forehead. "You have a fever." He stated. "I know." Meredith mumbled. "But I can't go home." She said.

"I could have someone prep a patient room, we are not even half full, we have a lot of empty rooms so don't worry. You could sleep in a real, comfortable bed and get some rest." Alex suggested. "I would rather stay here Alex I don't want to be alone." Meredith mumbled, once again grabbing the tiny massage balls. She loved them. They were absolutely the by far most helpful little things. "Alright. Is that your tea?" Alex asked, picking up the cup Andrew had placed in front of Meredith's couch. After a quick glance at Andrew laying on the couch next to hers she smiled before nodding, taking the tea from Alex and taking a few sips. "I still have a few things to do, will you be okay here?" he asked concerned. "Yeah I'm fine. And yes I'll page you when somethings up." She said, rolling her eyes. Alex just chuckled before standing up, placing a kiss on her forehead out of habit before leaving the room again.

Meredith kept sitting on the couch, cuddled into the blanket while enjoying the warm tea Andrew had made her. She had watched The Big Bang Theory before and really enjoyed the show. But at the same time she was still tired and absolutely exhausted from being sick and since it was almost midnight it didn't take her long until she got sleepy again, slowly falling asleep with the empty cup of tea still in her hand.


As Andrew woke up again the cafeteria was almost empty and the few people that were still here were fast asleep. Just like Meredith. He smiled brightly as he saw her on the couch next to him. The cup of tea he had brought her was empty and it seemed as if she had fallen asleep with it still in her hand since her tiny ineffectual fist was adorably clutching the cup tightly. She was half sitting half laying on the couch, her head resting on the back of the couch sidewards while she was still covered by the blanket.

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