Chapter 10

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As Andrew was walking through the hallway on the second floor of the hospital he was suddenly pulled into an on call room. "What the hell?" he asked, ripping his arm out of Alex Karev's grip. As Andrew expected him to explain why he had just literally dragged him in here Alex just stayed silent, staring at him. "What?" Andrew asked, slowly getting annoyed.

"If you hurt her, I will hurt you. I hope you understand that." Alex said after a few minutes of silence. "I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about." Andrew replied. Of course he knew that this was about Meredith but he didn't understand what Alex Karev had to do with his relationship with her. They were friends but it seemed as if he didn't really know what kind of friendship it was between Meredith and Alex.

"You know exactly what I am talking about. Meredith can be hurt very easily and you know that. She's strong and she's not easy to mess with but there are so many things you could say or do that will hurt her. And if you do hurt her, then I'll hurt you." Alex said, before walking out of the room, leaving Andrew behind confused. Had Meredith told Alex that they had kissed?

Shaking his head at the weird encounter he walked out of the room again, just to bump into Meredith herself. He caught her just in time before she would have hit the wall by grabbing her arm and placing a hand around her waist so that they were now standing pretty close to each other. "Hey." Meredith said, quickly bringing some distance in between them again. "Hey." He sighed, not sure what to say to her. Even though Alex hadn't chosen a very friendly way of telling him this but Andrew had listened to him. Of course he would never want to intentionally hurt her. So, he also had no idea how to approach this topic than to directly ask her. "Can we talk for a minute?" he asked. As she nodded he carefully placed a hand on her arm and took her into the on call room Alex had just pulled him in a minute ago. "What did you want to talk about?" Meredith asked, not looking into his eyes.

"Did you tell Alex that we kissed?" Andrew asked, smiling as Meredith looked up at him. He couldn't help it she was just so beautiful that he had to smile every time her eyes would meet his and he also couldn't be ad at her at all. "Yes." She replied as if it was a matter of course. He just sighed, closing his eyes for a second. "Andrew he's my family. I also told my sisters because they're all I have. I share everything with them. I live with them, they- they are my comfort people. So, of course I tell them when something exciting happens in my life." She said, smiling brighter than he had ever seen her smile before. He really couldn't be mad at her.

"I'm not mad Mer I just- I'm glad you have them, they really love you." Andrew said, making Meredith raise a brow. "Did- did Alex say anything to you?" she asked and it seemed as if she was concerned about what he might have said. "Don' worry about it." Andrew just said, not wanting to get her or Alex into trouble since Alex was just trying to protect her what he really appreciated and Meredith was just- Meredith.

"Can I ask you something too?" Meredith said after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence. "Sure." Andrew gave back, smiling at her encouragingly. "What are we now? I mean- I've never done this before what may seem weird but- I really like you so- if you- if you want to- I would want to make this work. What could be difficult because I am sometimes very difficult but I'll try really hard okay?" she said, her eyes getting slightly watery as she smiled at him adorably.

"I want this to work too Mer. And you don't have to worry, alright? Because I've done this before so- we can take everything at your pace, there's no hurry. We'll take baby steps." He smiled, making her giggle. "Baby steps?" she asked a little confused. "Yeah, we'll take it slow. We'll go on dates again, spend some more time together at first." He said, making her smile even brighter. "Sounds good." Meredith replied, taking a deep breath. "Okay." He gave back, siling back at her.

"But- there are rules and I'll might have some questions at some point." Meredith said, making him chuckle. She was absolutely adorable and she was definitely worth answering all those questions and taking everything slow. Even with rules. "Okay, what rules?" he asked, trying to sound supportive. "So, first of all, we have to keep it professional at the hospital. Everything else takes place after work. Also, there are still a few more things I need to tell you about me- that I don't know how to talk about. So I'll tell you about them when the time is right. It's nothing big but you have to promise me that when the time comes you won't run. And the last rule is- that uhm- if we go on more dates we should- plan them before and it would be helpful if we'd talk about the procedure of the dates before because I- because I am me." She finished, looking down a little embarrassed.

"Deal." He said, carefully taking a step closer to her, laying his arms around her waist and pulling her into a kiss. He tried to be as gentle as possible to show her how serious this was to him and that he wouldn't ever run or hurt her. "I told you rule number one just one minute ago how could you break it so fast." She mumbled after they pulled apart again, her cheeks flushed in a bright reddish colour, making him chuckle. "Didn't you like it?" he asked teasingly, watching as she started to grin. "I never said that." She whispered, looking into his eyes again. "I should get back to work." She mumbled, unintentionally rocking back and forth slightly. "Just- one more time." She smiled, making him chuckle before he kissed her again, this time a little bit more passionate.

"Wow." He heard her whisper quietly before she slowly walked out of the room. He just chuckled at her. She really was something special. 

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