Chapter 40

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A few days later Meredith was feeling a lot better again. Right now, the whole house was having dinner together on a Thursday evening, Alex, Maggie, Amelia and Meredith. "What do you guys think about a vacation. All of us, for one week." Amelia suddenly said, looking around her friends. "Where did you think of going?" Alex asked a little surprised. They never took vacations.

"I don't know, Long beach? Just a week to relax, we haven't taken some time off in forever and we never went on a vacation together. I just thought it could be fun." Amelia said, taking a sip of her wine. "What do you think Mags?" Amelia asked Maggie. "I think that's a good idea. Mer?"

Meredith just shrugged, too focused on her food to take part at the conversation. Maggie turned her head and looked at Amelia, sighing. "Hey no eye-rolling." Alex said, pointing at Maggie with his fork. "I think Mer's okay with it." He added as it seemed as if they weren't going to get a lot more out of her during dinner. "And is it just going to be the four of us or do we ask Link and Winston too?" Maggie asked after a short period of silence. "Sure, why not. Mer could ask Andrew and Alex-" Amelia begun, trailing off at the end of her thought.

"I'll bring my girlfriend." Alex said and all of the sudden he had three pairs of eyes on him. "You have a girlfriend?" Amelia exclaimed, shocked. "Seriously?" Alex gave back a little offended, getting up and starting to clean up his plate. "You never told us." Meredith said, having snapped out of her thoughts by now. "What's her name?" Maggie asked.

"None of your business." Alex grumbled. "Well, I think we should know at least her name if we're going on vacation with her." Amelia said, getting up and walking over to the kitchen island. Alex didn't reply. "Come on Alex. Do we know her? Is it someone from the hospital?" Meredith asked, now standing next to her sister. "Hey, I just defended you- care to do me that favour too?" he asked her a little harshly, making her look down. "Sorry I didn't mean it like that." He immediately added, feeling bad about his tone.

"It's complicated." Alex said after a few seconds of silence. "So, it's someone from the hospital." Maggie said, now standing at the kitchen counter as well. "Is it an attending? Or a resident?" Amelia asked. "No need to be embarrassed Mer's dating a resident too." She added as Alex just stared back at her, showing no emotion. "Why would someone be embarrassed about dating a resident?" Meredith asked quietly, not really sure what to think of this.

"It's just- you're an attending and- you're his boss so- it's somehow a little inappropriate." Maggie explained slowly, not wanting to upset her sister. Meredith just fell silent. Was it inappropriate that she was dating Andrew? Is she expected to be embarrassed about it? "Fine. It's Wilson." Alex said, trying to get Meredith to stop overthinking.

"Jo Wilson?" Amelia asked, her hand covering her mouth as she started grinning like an idiot. "Yes." Alex said, starting to clean up everyone else's plates as well, just to have something to do. "I like Jo." Meredith said slowly, making Alex smile a little at her. "So, Jo's coming with us too?" Maggie asked, trying to hide her laugh as well. Meredith observed her sisters with a frown. What is wrong about dating a resident? Were they laughing about her like that as well? "I will have to ask her first but in the best case- yes." Alex said, walking away.


Later on that evening Meredith was laying in bed, still thinking about what Maggie had said. Apparently, it was inappropriate for her to date Andrew. And apparently it allowed people to make fun of her. But why? Just because she was his boss? That made absolutely no sense. In a relationship people never had the same rank when it came to their jobs. Amelia was head of Neuro and Link was just a regular surgeon and although he wasn't working in Neuro Amelia still somehow had a higher position than him. But their relationship wasn't inappropriate. So why was hers and Alex's? And Maggie and Winston were an even better example. Both of them are working in cardio but still- Maggie was Winston's boss. So why was her relationship with Andrew something to laugh about and her sisters' relationships weren't? That made no sense at all.

Slowly she got up, walking out of her room and looking around in the dark hallway. Everyone else had already went to bed too. Walking on tip toes she made her way over to Alex's bedroom door, quietly entering the room. "Alex?" Meredith whispered, observing the sleeping figure on the bed. "Mer? What's wrong?" Alex replied, his voice slightly muffled. "Uhm- I- I can't sleep." She just said, not sure how to talk about what was bothering her. "Come here." Alex said, making space for her on the bed.

"This is about what Maggie said huh?" he guessed, turning onto his back. "Yeah." Meredith admitted, covering herself with the blanket. "I don't really understand what would be inappropriate about me being Andrew's boss. Maggie is Winston's boss too." Meredith said quietly. "That's true it's just- I think they consider it inappropriate because the difference between a resident and an attending is a little bigger than the difference between an attending and head of cardio." Alex explained, yawning while talking. "I still don't get it." Meredith sighed, closing her eyes. "That's okay. As long as you're happy it doesn't matter what other people think alright?"

"Okay." Meredith whispered, already half asleep. It already calmed her down that she wasn't alone. Alex smiled. "Good night little one, sleep well." He whispered, before drifting off himself. 

Just a short chapter =) But the next one will be drama and action just like you wanted =D

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