Chapter 60

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"I love the rain." Meredith whispered from her spot on the couch as she was cuddled into his side. The whole morning it had been raining non-stop so that the others had decided to go to a mall. But since Meredith hadn't slept that much last night and going to the mall would be extremely overwhelming and would take up energy that she didn't have at the moment, Andrew and Meredith decided to stay at the house. They were cuddled up into multiple blankets on the couch, enjoying the rainy view they had of the beach and the ocean.

Andrew could hear from her voice how tired she was and he kept trying to make her finally go to sleep. But she was too scared to and he honestly couldn't blame her.

"The sound is so- relaxing." She added, cuddling further into him and readjusting the position of her head on his chest. He had opened a window to let in some cold, fresh air and to make the sound of the rain a little louder since Meredith seemed to enjoy it so much.

"And it smells nice too." She said, making him smile. He loved that she cared about all those little things so much. "Do you want to try to sleep a little?" he asked, rubbing her back comfortingly. "Yeah I want to." She sighed, closing her eyes. "But I don't think I can." She added after a few seconds of silence as the rain started to get heavier. "It would be so much easier if there was a switch to my brain. You could just shut me off for a while and turn me back on later. Or even better- a recharger. That way I wouldn't even have to close my eyes. I could just sit here and my body would rebuild some energy automatically. Everything would be so much easier if I was just some electric device." She ranted, making him chuckle.

"But then I couldn't do this." He said, making her look up at him and pulling her into a long kiss. "Mhm." She sighed against his lips, sitting on his lap, her legs around his waist, leaning further into him. He could feel her trembling slightly in his arms. This kind of shaking, which was induced by her anxiety, hadn't stopped since last night. She had been shaking like this for the past six hours now and it didn't seem to get any better. Carefully he pulled up the blanket around her back as they continued kissing each other. "You okay?" he asked as she pulled away and slowly wiped her lips with her hand. She nodded. "This makes me feel really good." She whispered, starting to kiss him again.

He was pretty sure that she was having some kind of anxiety attack that lasted longer than just a few minutes. He had read about them before. Normally panic- or anxiety attacks were shorter but more intensive while this kind of attack lasted longer but wasn't as intense. It was common for autistic people to have those kind of episodes. But that didn't make it any easier. He just wanted to make sure she would be as comfortable as possible while it lasted.

And if kissing helped her he would definitely continue kissing her for as long as she needed him to. After another few minutes of making out she pulled away again, smiling slightly as she looked at him. He could see her face turning red as she started to heat up. It was adorable how shy she always was while they were kissing. Leaning forward she cuddled herself into his chest, now almost laying on top of him, her face buried into his neck where her breath tickled his bare skin.

"Did that help?" he asked quietly, starting to rub her back again. "Definitely." She mumbled; her voice muffled into his shoulder. "What else can I do to make you feel a little better?" he whispered, holding her close. But he didn't get a response. She was asleep. Not moving a singly inch, a smile appeared on his face. Who would have thought that a little make-out session was all it would take to get her to fall asleep. 

Sorry for the extremely short chapter I'm currently working on some drama for the next few chapters thats going to be intense and emotional so that's one last chapter with some fluff stuff the next chapter will take place after they returned home from their vacation.

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