9. Panic

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A place in this world // Helaena Targaryen out now!

"You are the worst! I hate you!" Davina screamed stomping out of the room. Alyssa peered in to see Baelon's pinched face.

"What was that about?" Alyssa asked as Davina's little stomps got quieter as she got farther down the hall.

"I told her Fury was too little to ride and she didnt like that one bit." Baelon remarked.

"Oh, honey." Alyssa kissing him gently. "You know she loves Fury more than anything, she doesn't mean what she said."

"I know." Baelon assured. "But hearing her say it... Gods it made me think of all the future tantrums, all the future boyfriends and men I'm going to have to deal with to make sure she has a good match and a great future."

"She is barely five, I think we can wait on worrying about her liking boys for a few more years." Alyssa countered.

"I suppose." Baelon agreed. "Gods did you see her little face, fury in her eyes when I said no."

"She doesnt like being told no." Alyssa remarked.

"Maybe our Davina should be queen one day," Baelon teased. "Then she could boss the seven kingdoms around."

"They would be putty in her hands." Alyssa agreed.

"Where is Davina?" Daemon asked looking around.

"Havent seen her." Viserys admitted head still buried in his book.

"I can't find her anywhere." Daemon remarked nervously.

"Did you check with Fury?"

"Of course, I'm not an idiot." Daemon declared.

So Viserys went with Daemon to search for Davina but they couldnt find her anywhere. Baelon and Alyssa were terrified when she didnt seem to be on dragonstone at all. They checked the pits and Fury was gone. Davina was nowhere in sight.

Panic filled them and Daemon was bawling, tears streaming down his face that Davina was gone. The knights and guards were searching Alyssa took flight as they searched the skies. The sun was setting when Viserys saw Davina coming back up to the castle.

"MOTHER! FATHER!" Viserys shouted as he ran down to meet her. "Davina I was worried about you." Viserys declared she stared back up at him.

"DAVINA!" Daemon screamed practically toppling her over as he hugged her. "Why did you leave me? You are not allowed to leave me."

''I ran away.'' Davina declared

''Did you?'' Baelon asked and Alyssa's hand went to her heart as she knelt before Davina.

'I did.'' Davina agreed.

''But you are back.'' Viserys remarked.

''I got hungry.'' Davina informed them as her and Fury walked inside as though they hadnt been running away all day putting the whole of dragonstone in a tizzy. "We still got cake left?" Davina called back to them.

"Seven hells." Baelon muttered.

"Do you really expect anything less from our Davina?" Viserys countered as Daemon chased after Davina.


''You got to go first last.'' Davina declared hands rooted on her hips.

''Naw ahh'' daemon countered sticking his tongue out at her

''Yeah huh.'' Davina shouted

''Naw ahh.'' Daemon shouted getting closer

''Yeah Huh!'' Davina screamed

''NAW AHH!''

''VISERYS!'' Davina demanded. Viserys hated being so much older than his siblings at times. Ten years seemed like a lifetime when your siblings were five.

''What Davina?'' Viserys questioned

''Daemon said that hes going first-'' davina began as daemon started shouting over her

''She went first last time and i want to train caraxes.'' Daemon declared

"-but he always goes first and fury is going to be the best and the greatest and I cant help him-" davina kept going

"- shut up you always go first." Daemon spat

"- get to his fullest potential if im not training him every day. And waiting for daemon to get his head out of his ass isnt helping anyone." Davina said confidently

'You jerk!'' Daemon shouted lunging at Davina. Viserys scooped her up.

''Daemon.'' Viserys hissed. Davina stuck her tongue out at daemon from viserys arms. ''I don't know why you two are so obsessed with dragons''

''That's cause you're a big baby.'' daemon declared.

''Not helping your cause Daemon.'' Viserys warned.

''Balerion is a beast and you dont ride him ever. You must be scared.'' Daemon told him.

''Go inside and study your high velaryian'' Viserys demanded

''Ha!'' Davina declared in victory as viserys put her down.

''But-'' daemon began

'No buts. Go Daemon.'' Viserys instructed and Daemon groaned as he took long sluggish steps back to the castle.

''You suck!'' Daemon moaned out as his feet slid over the rough grounds of dragon stone.

''Thanks Viserys.'' Davina said turning towards the caves but viserys grabbed her hand.

''You want to fly with me Dav?'' Viserys asked and Davina beamed up at him.

''Would I ever!'' She jumped up. ''Come on lets go!'' She grabbed his hand pulling him along.

Viserys wasnt fearless like davina and Daemon. Didn't have that need for power or glory or the thrill of being on dragon back. But he liked seeing davinas little face light up when he brought her out with him.

Davina climbed right up. Fury wasnt big enough yet for her to ride but she hoped soon she would be able to fly him herself. He was better trained and more protective of her then caraxes was of daemon which davina was very proud of.

"I love you Viserys." Davina told him as Balerion took flight.

"I love you too Davina." He wanted it to stay like this forever. Him being the big brother that Davina adored so much. Her and Daemon were always competing had to be the best at everything and Davina was better. Davina was also sneakier than Daemon. And more charming, Viserys thought but that might have been her big eyes and even bigger smile. Davina knew how to get what she wanted when she wanted and she knew Viserys would cave and Daemon would put his own foot in his mouth.

Davina reached up touching the clouds and Viserys held tight to her tiny self.

"Don't be scared Vis." Davina told him glancing back at him. "We are dragons. This is what we are meant for."

"Don't run away again." Viserys whispered. "Just fly with me." Davina nodded catching another whisp of cloud.

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