32. Control

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It's time to go/ Criston/ Harwin out now!

Alicent was marrying Viserys. Davina was baffled that Daemon was such an idiot and didnt choose her. He picked a whore, he was marrying a whore. After everything they went through. After all the husbands she killed because he was the only one for her. 

But maybe it was too late. Maybe it was too late for them and Daemon had moved on. 

While she was getting married and married again, Daemon was fucking who he liked as he liked. He had gotten used to loving everyone and being tied down to Davina and only Davina felt restricting at the time. 

Davina wanted to kill him. Davina wanted to kiss him and slap some sense into him. Didnt he see he was breaking her heart? Didnt he see he was doing as Viserys did for years. Breaking her heart and making her feel weak. She was not weak though, she was strong and brave and dragon. She was a dragon. But she didnt control her dreams. She couldnt control her mind, wanted Daemon to love her. 

Viserys had once said that Daemon wanted to marry her for as long as he lived. Daemon was always chasing after Davina and Davina wasnt paying him any attention. Davina wasnt thinking of love she was thinking of fun and adventure. Once she saw Daemon as he saw her, after that first kiss. She knew, she knew Daemon was the one... What happened to that?


"Loving Daemon is easy. It used to be so easy. Love is giving someone your heart and knowing they can break it but trusting them not to. He broke it." Davina murmured as Viserys hugged her. "He broke me."

She felt the pinch of her necklace against her skin and leaned back. Her fingers went to the Valyrian steel necklace daemon had given her. She thought it's sweet and kind and thoughtful. He wanted her to have something that was from him and she hadn't taken it off but now she felt like she was suffocating. Her fingers gripped the steel giving it a hard yank off her neck she let it come to the floor as well. Viserys stared down at it before hugging her again.

So this really was the end of Davina and Daemon...


Sometimes Davina would wake in a fever soaked haze. Her mind racing and only one thing on her mind.


Fire cannot kill a dragon. But it can piss a cunt off.

Davina took fury to dragon stone her heart pounding in her chest with every flap of his wings. Every mile they got closer the more heart hurt. But she wouldn't cry. She wouldn't she couldn't she wouldn't let him have that power of her. Not again. Not ever again she blinked away her hot tears forcing them to settle in her eyes.

''You and me fury. Its always been you and me against the world. Why stop now.'' She whispered running her hands along his scales her nails scratching him soothingly as he flew. He circled dragon stone as davina stared down. She heard the cries of a baby. A baby? She couldn't breathe. Fury got lower and lower she slide off his back and through the open window. Daemons room. Daemons bed. Daemons whore laying bare a babe at her tit. Davina glared at her.

'He's mine now, I claimed him I have his heir.' She told davina.

'You can have him. You can burn in hell with him.' Davina sneered.

'I am the dragons wife. He is mine and I am his. We said the words and sealed our vows. Brought a babe into the world. He is mine. I am his.'' Davina stared at her as daemon walked in he remained calm and neutral as though he wasnt killing her over and over again.

'Davina. You should have used the front door.' Daemon told her and davinas felt a hot pain in her lungs

'DRACARYS!' She demanded and fury set the room a flame. Daemons whore and the babe on her tit reduced to nothing the bedding and the decor sizzling around them. Little fires everywhere.

''Look what you did.' Daemon said shaking his head his voice still even.

"The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis." Davina informed him.

'Then I guess I will see you there.'' Daemon told her and she pulled dark sister from the dresser and stabbed him. Again and again she stabbed him.

'Davina... Davina... Davina...' her eyes popped open and she clutched at her chest unable to take a proper breath.

'Davina.' viserys said holding tight to her. 'You were shouting and thrashing. I was worried about you.'

'Dae.' She whispered trying to breathe.

'Another nightmare.' Viserys remarked she nodded sobbing into him. Did she have that rage to kill her brother?

"Are hearts meant to be broken?" Davina whispered.

"Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option." Viserys told her softly.

''Daemon does something to me, that man. Every time. It's his only detriment. He steps on my heart. He makes me cry. Over and over again."


If you are read both Fire and Blood & Reputation chapter 32 in both Sweet nothing & bitter sweet will be changing from here on out if you want to check out the alternate timelines!

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