69. Burn The Castle Down

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"Viserys!" Davina looked him up and down. "you have seen better days brother."

"Of course, I haven't seen you in five years and you insult me immediately." Viserys teased as she hugged him.

"I missed you Vis." Davina told him still hugging him.

"I missed you too, Davina." It felt nice having her back. "Did you bring the twins?" Viserys asked but then he saw Fury. "I wanted to meet my niece and nephew." Viserys remarked.

"Next time." Davina assured. "Daelia gave me the cutest pout I almost brought her with me."

"You used to-"

"I know. Daemon told me." Davina said with a chuckle. "It's strange Vis, they are very much me and daemon reincarnated."

"Fighting constantly and trying to outdo the other?" Viserys pondered.

"Yes and they both love me most." Davina agreed. "Now where is Rhaenyra?"

"Davina." Davina turned and her smile fell, Alicent. "Welcome back."

"I expect for my next return there to be horns blowing and fire blazing my arrival." Davina informed her as she walked by. "Do better." She mused and Alicent's face pinched. Viserys just chuckled.

"Oh, whats that face for? You know Davina." Viserys offered innocently.

"Rhae- Harwin." Davina smirked as he approached.

"I heard you were coming back." Harwin remarked.

"And you thought run for your life she is coming to burn the castle down?" Davina offered with a cheeky grin as she hugged him.

"No." Harwin considered that. "That's not why you are here right?"

"I am a wife, a mother and a great aunt!" Davina declared. "I love Rhaenyra, I felt bad being gone this long-'

"You are a mother?" Harwin asked.

"Twins. A boy and a girl." Davina confirmed.

"Congratulations, Daemon is a lucky man." Harwin remarked.

"He is, but next time you see him make sure to tell him that." Davina teased pushing open Rhaenyra's door.


"I know its been forever and I'm sorry-" Davina began but Rhaenyra hugged her tight.

"You're back... are you back for good?" Rhaenyra asked hopefully.

"No. just a visit. I left daemon in charge of the twins and I don't trust him not to be reckless when it comes to our babies." Davina informed her and Rhaenyra's smile faltered. "But when the twins get bigger I think I can convince daemon we need to come home." Davina added. Rhaenyra hugged her tight. "Show me the baby." Davina whispered.

"Auntie this is Jacaerys Velaryon." Rhaenyra said handing him over and Davina stared down at his black hair and fair skin before looking to Rhaenyra.

"Jacaerys." She repeated. Davina tried to contain her smile but she coudnt help but glance to the door and saw Harwin's handsome face. "Your guard?" Davina asked.

"Yes." Rhaenyra agreed and Davina tried not to smile, she tried but a laugh escaped her lips.

''Rhaenyra Remember what I said previously... remember that I showed you how to make the tea... He's beautiful and handsome perfect yes but... The queen is not going to be happy.'

"Davina!" Rhaenyra shouted.

"Harwin." Davina countered. "I don't blame you he was excellent." Davina turned to an embarrassed Harwin at the door. "You have a thing for Targaryen's don't you?" Davina teased.

"Davina you can't tell-"

"Who would I tell? Why would I tell? I am happy, are you happy?"

"I am happy." Rhaenyra agreed.

"Then we are all happy and the world is perfect and you get little black hair princes." Davina remarked.


"Your heir has an heir Viserys, what joyous news is this!" Davina declared and she looked past her cup to see Alicent's pinched face. "To Rhaenyra and Jacaerys!" Davina said raising her cup in the air.

"Here, here!' the table agreed.

"So... Aemond..." He looked across the table at Davina. "I haven't met you yet."

"Hello Aunt Davina." Aemond said smiling back at her.

"Hi aunt Davina, its nice to see you again." Aegon said as he tried and failed to wink at her.

"You got something in your eye there kid?" Davina questioned sweetly. Aegon was 8, Helaena 6 and little Aemond was five just a year older than her kids. "So Aemond... I couldn't help but notice that there were only two little dragons in the pit when I delivered Fury."

"Fury." Aemond repeated. "Father told me stories of Fury."

"He is quite the man." Davina agreed. "My first love and faithful friend until the end."

"Father told me a story as well." Rhaenyra remarked.

"Oh?" Davina asked poking at her food.

"He told me you wanted to suffocate me as a baby." Rhaenyra remarked and Davina couldn't help but laugh, she bit at her bottom lip nodding slowly as she brought her cup to her lips again.

"mm hmm." Davina agreed and Rhaenyra stared back at her. "You screamed and your room was next to mine and Viserys wasn't dealing with you" Davina said innocently.


"I didn't kill you obviously here you are." Davina reminded her. "And we became great friends, did he tell you how I got you to shut up?" Davina countered .


"No?" Davina stared back at Viserys. "I take full responsibility for your love of dragons." Davina informed her. "I was bringing you to the dragon pit-"

"Carried you by your feet." Viserys added.

"My story. Shut up." Davina sassed. "I brought you to meet Fury and Viserys and Daemon for that matter thought I was going to feed you to Fury but you were so little it wouldn't have even been a snack." Davina teased and Rhaenyra's jaw dropped.

"She is joking." Viserys assured. Aegon, Helaena and Aemond thought their aunt was so cool. Not only was she animated and loud but she talked to them, and as she told her stories they could really feel like they were there too. Alicent liked the thought that Rhaenyra was almost eaten but didn't like how quickly her children fell in love with Davina.

"I am joking." Davina assured but she winked across the table at Aegon. "But I brought you down there and you shut up, you were fascinated."

"You are so much like your aunt it scares me sometimes." Viserys remarked.

"Scares you?" Davina scoffed. "I think you mean it is exhilarating to have a mini Davina running around.

Viserys could only laugh.

"We got very off track." Davina admitted. "What was I- Oh!' Davina looked to Aemond. "Do you have a dragon?"

"not yet." Aemond admitted.

"Then we will have to go riding while I'm here." Aemond nodded eagerly. 

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