22. Promise

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Tied Together With a smile// Aegon Targaryen out now!

"I have set a match for Davina." Baelon remarked. Viserys stared back at him.

Daemon and Davina were inseparable, doted on each other. Viserys didnt see them being torn apart.

"House Lannister." Baelon declared.

"Father, Davina loves Daemon." Viserys corrected. "Match them, they will be-"

"We form unions to strength the family." Baelon corrected.

"Mom was your sister." Viserys countered.

"Viserys. It is set. Please I just want Davina married to a good house a good man. Please promise me when I'm gone you will do this." Baelon begged.


"Viserys, promise me you will secure a match for Davina. A good house, a strong family. Strengthen the unions. She is a lovely young lady, she needs to be wed, they both do. Not to each other."

"Father if you would just-"

"Viserys. Not Daemon."

Baelon didnt give a reason, not a good one viserys liked. But how was Baelon supposed to say he was dying of a broken heart? He had loved his little sister all his life and she was ripped away from him. He was trying to spare Davina and Daemon that same heartbreak. Being that close to someone, being with them their whole life, a twins connection, he just wanted them to be happy. They would find happiness in others. He didnt want them to die of a broken heart as it felt he was dying right now.

"Promise me Viserys, promise me." Baelon begged.


"Viserys, promise me. Promise me, promise me, promise me..." Baelon begged.

"I... I promise." Viserys agreed hesitantly.

"Cesar Lannister." Baelon declared. "She will wed Cesar Lannister." Baelon slid the stack of marriage proposals to Viserys. "If something it to happen, it falls through for any reason, I have ten more possible unions. All with good offers and good houses. Strength. I have sorted them. If for any reason I need you to pick the next one. Pick the next house and the next man on the list. She will be happy. I know it. She just needs a push in the right direction."


'You think we can do it on the dragon?' Daemon pondered

'I think that is an excellent way to fall off a dragon.' Davina countered.

'Imagine it,' daemon declared flipping her onto her back. 'Your hair in the breeze your screams echoing in the clouds.' daemon extended his arms out to the sides as his legs trapped hers beneath him. Davina laughed out.

'Or...' davina countered pulling him down to her and rolling over so he was trapped under her now his hands slide up her ass. 'We are up miles above the ground you scream out with pleasure over come with emotion-'

'I like this.' daemon agreed

'Then you fall and are screaming in terror your cock flapping in the wind as you plummet to you death.' Davina finished

'Gory sweet sister.' daemon mused as she curled into him.

'Just being logical.' davina told him

'Don't be like viserys.' Daemon told her.

'Viserys isn't so bad.' Davina remarked.

'Fine no dragon sex.'

'That makes it sound like you are fucking the-'

'Davina!' Daemon shouted

'Or that the dragons are fucking-'

'Davina!' Daemon declared laughing.

'It does!' She told him.

'Get your mind out of flee bottom.' daemon mused making her laugh.

'Promise me this is forever.' Davina said softly looking up at daemon

'Forever.' He promised kissing her again.

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