73. Forever and Ever and Ever

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"You know ive been wanting to do something since we were kids." Daemon remarked as they were headed out for a race in the skies.

"What's that?"


Years ago

'You think we can do it on the dragon?' Daemon pondered

'I think that is an excellent way to fall off a dragon.' Davina countered.

'Imagine it,' daemon declared flipping her onto her back. 'Your hair in the breeze your screams echoing in the clouds.' daemon extended his arms out to the sides as his legs trapped hers beneath him. Davina laughed out.

'Or...' davina countered pulling him down to her and rolling over so he was trapped under her now his hands slide up her ass. 'We are up miles above the ground you scream out with pleasure over come with emotion-'

'I like this.' daemon agreed

'Then you fall and are screaming in terror your cock flapping in the wind as you plummet to you death.' Davina finished

'Gory sweet sister.' daemon mused as she curled into him.

'Just being logical.' davina told him

'Don't be like viserys.' Daemon told her.

'Viserys isn't so bad.' Davina remarked.

'Fine no dragon sex.'

'That makes it sound like you are fucking the-'

'Davina!' Daemon shouted

'Or that the dragons are fucking-'

'Davina!' Daemon declared laughing.

'It does!' She told him.

'Get your mind out of flee bottom.' daemon mused making her laugh.

'Promise me this is forever.' Davina said softly looking up at daemon

'Forever.' He promised kissing her again.


They got forever, it was here and now and it took them forever to get here but damn if this life wasnt perfect.

"What do you say Davina? Make my teenage dreams come true." Daemon mused and Davina kissed him quickly before moving onto Caraxes.

"I'm not subjecting my baby to what we are about to do." Davina informed him reaching a hand out for him and he jumped at the chance pulling himself up and kissing her immediately.

"Fly." He declared and

'Daemon!'' Davina shouted holding onto him curling back into him as Caraxes got higher and higher touching the clouds.

"Are we up too high. We're too high up." Daemon agreed. But the smile Davina sent over her shoulder as perfection.

"Then you better hold on to me." Davina whispered in his ear, Daemon grabbed hold of her waist spinning her around to face him. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he kissed her. They were so high in the sky now, the clouds are literally floating around them. So close Davina swore she could reach out and take a handful. But her hands were wrapped around Daemon as he pulled at her dress bunching it up as her legs wrapped tighter around him. The head of Daemon's cock slide up her messy, wet slit, fucking her clit.

"This is exhilarating," Davina remarked shifting on the saddle. She was already buzzing from being on dragon back. He pulled her closer her legs wrapped around him tighter his hands slipped under grabbing her ass but Caraxes shifted turning, dipping down and Davina squealed with laughter.

"Remember what you said about cocks flying in the wind?" Daemon remarked catching his breath.

"Flapping, I think I said flapping in the wind." Davina corrected adjusting again. "I wont let you fall."

"Then start fucking me." Daemon begged and Davina locked her arms around his neck and rocked up letting his cock find her opening and he sinks in. Daemon grabbed her chin and brought her eyes to his. There was a sharp stinging as Caraxes dove down, pushing Daemon deeper, stretching her, filling her up much more than she had ever been filled up. And she was already dripping wet. And being mid-air, practically weightless, helps and hurts and she couldn't explain, she couldn't breathe.

Daemon moved, adjusting so he had the better angle and pushed her down the length of him. He had his hands on her ass under her dress, Heat painted her cheeks admitting her desires as Daemon grinned back at her. It may hurt, but there is a tide rising in her belly that she couldn't deny. A shameful thumping in her chest that she didn't want to shake. She liked it. She liked it too much. And that dark thing inside of her feasted on it.

Her nerves were on fire. The air was cold, but her skin was hot and her lips pulled back in a devilish grin. Daemon's eyes widen.

"Don't stop," Davina ordered him, her voice raspier than it was just a few minutes before. His cock thickened inside of her.

"Don't stop," Davina repeated. Daemon growled kissing her, hands tightening on her, his cock gets even harder. Excitement beat beneath her ribs and some of the pain ebbs away as Caraxes leveled out.

"Yes." Davina moaned and clutched tighter at Daemon. "Fuck yes." Davina hitched her legs higher on his hips and hooked her ankles behind him so she could grind against his pelvis and carried them higher into the sky.

"Come for me," Daemon ordered. 'I want to give you a baby in the sky." Davina shifted forward more and find just the right spot to grind her clit against him. The pressure built slower this time. Like a flame slowly building before the destruction. The pleasure is rising, rising. She pant out a breath, squeezed her eyes shut as Daemon stretched her around his cock.

"Go on, Dav," Daemon said with a rumble that reverberates through his chest. "Soak my cock." She got lost in the friction building between her and Daemon, the electric pulse at her clit, the power of fucking him in the air. And then the wave chased her, got closer and closer, all her nerves lighting up.

"Fuck!" She screamed as the pleasure crashed over her and Daemon slammed into her, coming, with a loud, animalistic grunt, filling her up.

A sharp wind cuts in, cooling some of the sweat on the back of her neck as several quick breaths escape her and the muscles in her arms and legs jerk with the aftershocks. Davina clung to Daemon. When he slid out of her there was a sharp sting as he did and a dull, thudding ache in her pussy. Her face now buried in the crook of his neck. She didn't want to let go.

For one, they're still several hundred feet in the clouds and two... she didn't want to let go of him.

Daemon wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer, cradling her against him. Davina

arms tightly locked around his neck as he lowered Caraxes, bringing him parallel with the earth and flew them back to the castle.

"Why didn't we do that sooner?" Daemon rasped.

"I'm never doubting you again." Davina agreed.

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