80. Skin You Alive

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Aemma had a tournament and Davina said fuck no. If you dare announce to the masses I have begun my labors I will skin you alive. Daemon took her at her word.

Instead when labors began he stayed by her side. Davina was grateful that he stayed by her side, she hoped that even if they were not wed and this babe wasnt his that he would still be this supportive. That he would check on her, because she was his baby sister long before she was his wife.

Davina thought nothing could hurt her more than getting here to this point with Daemon all the ups and downs and heart ache but so much damn love. She was wrong. Giving birth was a physical and emotional wave, no, a hurricane of pain.

''Your grace you have to keep pushing.''

"FUCK YOU!" Davina shouted.

"Keep pus-'

'If you say that one more time I'm going to kick your ass to the floor." Davina warned, it hurt too much. She quit. "I quit!" she declared slumping back.

"Your grace please, we are trying to-'

''DAEMON!'' Davina demanded and he came running.

Davina sucked in a pained breath, her eyes closed, lips pursed she tried to breath.

"You know pregnant you is very sexy." Daemon remarked and Davina glared back at him. "This was our..." he came pressing his lips to her neck before whispering in her ear. "-dragon sex." He rasped wrapping his arms around her.

"That was fun. This is not." Davina hissed.

Davina never understood and never will understand why woman had to suffer so much. It wasn't fair and it didn't make sense. From bleedings every moon, childbirth, raging hormonal fluctuations, and falling for all the wrong men...

"Never doing that again." Davina said as she leaned back.

"Another one Princess." Daemon brought a hand to his face to cover his smile.

"You cunt." Davina spat.

"Your pretty cunt." Daemon coed.

"You keep your cock away from me, forever." Davina declared and Daemon's smile dropped.


"The day you push..." she screamed out as the next one was coming. "-one child, then another out of your body, is the day I fuck you." Another ear pinching scream.

"You don't mean that. You are in pain." Daemon told her confidently as he sat behind her running his hands up and down her arms. "You are doing so good my love."

"I hate you." Davina screamed again.

"You love me... that's the problem." Daemon whispered kissing her sweaty neck.

"That is the problem." Davina agreed with a laugh. but another painful push had her smile gone. ''I don't want to do this. Tell them I quit. they are not listening to me,'' she whimpered.

''I know, I know,'' he hugged her a she buried her face in his neck

''I don't want to do this.'' she whimpered. "It hurts."

''Gorgeous, you have to.'' Daemon whispered holding onto her. ''Can't have the baby in you forever.'' he reminded brushing damp hair from her face. Sweat dripped down her body her dress clinging to her as her legs shook.

''Dae, i quit. You have the baby.'' Davina whispered

'I would take this pain from you if I could." Daemon told her honestly. "Come on Davina. You are a dragon.'' Daemon reminded her. ''Come on I will help you.'' Daemon offered as he stood up, moving behind Davina.

''Ser that is not right. Men should have no part in this.'' A wet nurse declared but Daemon didnt listen, when did he ever listen to anyone or anything, he eased Davina forward and sat behind her his arms wrapped around her chest his chin on her should as he kissed her cheek.

''Be a dragon.'' He whispered. Davina nodded and began pushing again screaming again she held tight to Daemons hand she had never felt pain like this before. She hated it. But when her baby started crying it made it all worth it. The baby was wrapped up and placed in her arms happy tears on her face.

"Dae..." Davina whispered looking down at their baby but she still felt so much pain.

''Congratulations princess its a...''

"Another one."

"What?" Davina hissed. "Damn gypsy."

"Another one, your grace, keep-"

"If you say pushing im going to have Daemon throw you out the window!" Davina seethed.

"Give me the babe." The wet nurse requested. "You must keep going."

"Fucking twins." Davina hissed. "Just my luck," she whimpered leaning back into Daemon with a sigh.

"Come on gorgeous." Daemon whispered, his hand kneading gently along her sides. "Another push..." he whispered kissing her gently.


''Twins. Dear lord help me now.'' Davina muttered.

''A boy and a girl.'' Daemon agreed kissing her softly.

''I repeat. Dear lord help me now.'' Davina declared and Daemon chuckled as she leaned into him.

''You are still so beautiful.'' Daemon told her and she felt disgusting she had just pushed two tiny human beings from her body and she was sweaty and tired and hungry and sore all over yet Daemon called her beautiful.

''You are kind of perfect.'' Davina informed him. "Kind of, dont let it get to your head." 

Twins, just davina's luck. Her babies were perfection.

Twins though... Damnit.

A boy and a girl... Double damnit.

"What were you thinking?" Daemon questioned.

"Baelon, after father." Davina remarked. "And Alyssa after mother."

"Perfect." Daemon agreed.

Davina held out Baelon for Daemon he cradled their son in his arm.

"That was exhausting. I need to sleep for the next moon." Davina whispered leaning her head into Daemon.

"I will join you." Daemon agreed. 

"What did you do?" Davina countered. "Did you birth two humans into the world? Why are you tired?" 

"You need me to keep you warm in bed." Daemon offered with a shrug. 

"I do." Davina agreed smiling down at Alyssa. "But no more babies after this." 

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