93. That's Your Cue Dummy

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"Your grace." Daemon said bowing before Alicent.

"I'm leaving, I just forgot-"

"Your tongue? Your place? Your head?" Daemon offered.

"I'm leaving." Alicent told him. "You and your sister should not return to the capital."

"But that is the place for us." Daemon told her spinning his blade in his hand.

"Guard!" Alicent shouted.

"Oh... Davina is handling Crispin." Daemon informed her.

"I am the queen!" Alicent reminded him.

"You hurt my sister. My wife. I can't allow that to stand." Daemon told her. "She already put up with enough of my shit she doesn't need yours to." Alicent opened her mouth but Daemon sliced his blade through her skull in a quick blow, it slid to the ground with a gooey thud. Daemon wiped his blade on her dead body before putting it away. "Great talk."


"DRACARYS!" Davina declared and Otto saw her a moment to late as Fury and Caraxes burned the second ship to the ground, planks floating in the water as Viserys sailed home with his younger children safety.

Rhaenyra and the children watched from the shores as Davina took off towards Dragon stone while Caraxes landed before them.

"You two did it." Rhaenyra remarked.

"What's family for if not to kill your enemies?" Daemon offered picking up Alyssa.

"Look what mama did!" Alyssa declared pointing at all the flames.

Davina screamed out a victory cheer as she landed on the ground.

"We are taking back the power." Davina told them sliding down as Daelia and Devin ran to her.

"Thank you, I can't thank you enough." Rhaenyra told her.

''I think someone missed his boys.'' Davina said nodding to Harwin as he got down from Fury. ''How about a union with a man you actually love?''


Davina had never been so excited for a wedding. This was the second wedding she actually wanted, the first wedding was hers and Daemons. WHen Daemon became hers for forevermore.

"Hi gorgeous." Daemon whispered pulling her to him.

"Hi yourself handsome." Davina answered. "THey look happy." Davina added looking at Harwin and Rhaenyra. 

"This reminding you of our wedding night?" Daemon pondered. 

"It's reminding me less of all the men I burned before you." Davina countered her hands trailing down his chest.

"I'm sorry I made us wait so long." Daemon remarked.

"Me too... but we have all the time in the world now and four kids." Davina offered. "So. Much. Fun. I feel old."

"Me too." Daemon assured kissing her, her body arched into him.

"Ready to get married?" The septon asked walking up to them.

"Never been more certain of anything." Rhaenyra assured.

"I know this is only your second union but if you wanted to get going with the Seven husbands of Rhaenyra Targaryen-" Davina teased. 

"Auntie!" Rhaenyra shouted. 

"I'm kidding, I saved Harwin's ass I dont want him frying again." Davina assured her. She winked back at Harwin. "Its weird, I fucked your husband first." Davina realized. 

"Can we not talk about you fucking my almost husband when we are about to say our vows?" Rhaenyra questioned. 

"Right, sorry just thinking out loud." Davina agreed. 

"Think in your head." Rhaenyra begged. "Go on, before she starts thinking again." Rhaenyra teased. 

"The love of the Seven is holy and eternal. The source of life and love. We stand here tonight in thanks and praise to join two souls as one." The high septon began.

''Father... Mother... Warrior... Smith... Maiden... Crone... Stranger.''  The ceremony was done in High Valerian as of their ways. But Harwin was confused so they changed to common tongue, he promised he would try to learn with Joffrey at his lessons. Their lips were uncut, no blood traced on their foreheads, yet it was still perfect because Rhaenyra loved Harwin.  Daemon didn't let go of Davina's hands. She leaned into him. 

"Hear now their vows.'' The septon declared but Rhaenyra was already kissing Harwin. 

"Daemon did that too." Davina remarked fondly. "That's your cue dummy." Davina whispered. "Kiss me."

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