52. Don't Psychoanalyze Me

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Sweet but psycho /HOTD / Harley Quinn out now!

'Pregnant?' Seamus repeated not believing his ears his eyes focused on her stomach.

'Don't tell anyone, I havent even told Daemon' Davina admitted as they stood on the balcony they listened to the birds chirping in the distance. 'I mean, people get pregnant all the time, it shouldnt be a big deal but... well I'm nervous to tell him." Davina admitted. 

"Why?" Seamus countered. 

"Because we just got good." Davina offered. "I read this legend about a compass that would lead the holder to his or her hearts deepest desire''

'that sounds like magic.' Seamus remarked.

'oh it was said to be truly special," Davina agreed. 

"And you were thinking, your heart and his hearts desire are different?" 

"I didnt know how to hold a baby." Davina remarked. "I held Rhaenyra upside down and flinched when she cried... what if he doesnt really want kids and... we just didnt really talk about it seriously." Davina admitted staring at a little sparrow hopping along the railing watching them. 

"He loves you... you two were destined to be together. I think he will be thrilled." Seamus remarked honestly. 

"I would follow him anywhere' Davina remarked. 

"I'm sure he would say the same about you." Seamus added. Davina nodded as she held her hand out and the bird finally jumped into her palm, her mouth hung open as it pecked at her hand.

'Food.' She whispered to Seamus.

'youre hungry?' Seamus pondered confused. 

'no the bird is hungry.' She whispered again. The little sparrow pecking at her hand looking for food. 'I cant move I will scare him away...' she told him and Seamus got up and moved back inside, he saw a platter of uneaten fruits and bread. He grabbed a strawberry and a loaf of bread. He handed both to Davina and she broke a small piece of bread off and squished the strawberry putting both in her palm. The bird ate it, cocking its head and watching her when he finished before flying away. she watched it disappear into the clouds.

'Sparrow.' She said softly wiping the strawberry juices on her dress.

"I think I know whats wrong." Seamus declared. "This isnt about Daemon, not really." Davina looked to him confused. Sure it was, this nervousness was about Daemon. Leaving her. "This is about how you were always a free bird, pun intended to the bird you were feeding." He added. 

"I am a dragon." Davina corrected. 

"And you were able to fly away, the both of you. You didnt have any commitments and children is a big deal. They are someone that look up to you, depend on you and you have always been able to just pick up and leave when things get rough." Seamus declared. 

"Damn, you psychoanalyze Samwell like this too?" Davina declared with a heavy breath. 

"I'm right though, arent I?"

"Yeah." Davina agreed softly. 

"How far along do you think?" 

"Why?" Davina countered. 

"I'm sure if you really wanted you could... you know." Seamus offered with a shrug and davina's hand went to her stomach. 

"No. No. Thats not what I want." Davina corrected confidently. She would love this baby, she would protect this baby.

'And what do you want, Davina?' Seamus questioned. 

'This baby... This baby,' she held her stomach 'this baby has my heart, it beats for her or him now so Daemon and I will have to wait on our epic journey."  

'That's really beautiful... if you ever need anything at all please feel free to come to me I'm always here for you.' Seamus told her.

'Thank you my sweet sweet unburnt husband.' she teased and he poked her ribs.

'Oh my wonderful wife.' Seamus laughed and Davina laughed out. 

 She lifted her dress, her pants covering her legs, the slit down the middle of the dress going past her belly button so she could run her hand freely along her skin.

 'You know at first I thought i was just eating more and not training everyday... i just thought i was getting fat and lazy.' she told him smiling. Her stomach curved out just slightly. Didnt look like much to Seamus but davina could tell, the weight gain of a child and the late moons bleeding.

"I have a tiny human growing inside of me. My child is going to be the best of Daemon and I... not get any of our bad habits." Davina decided. 

"Thats a nice thought." Seamus agreed. "I think its usually that kids get their parents worst qualities and amplified." 

"Shut up." Davina teased laughing out. 'How long are women pregnant for?' she asked, she knew very little of babies and pregnancy. "Nine moons? Eight? Seven? Something like that right?"

"Why would I know that?" Seamus countered. 

"Why not?" 

"I'm married to you and dating a man... that should answer your question." Seamus corrected. 

"And i cant hurt it by like... I dont rolling onto my stomach in the middle of the night?' she questioned.

'No i dont think so.' Seamus said trying to keep from laughing, Davina was really unlike any women he had ever met.

'Or what about sex is that gonna hurt the baby?'  Davina questioned "Because we are newly weds and have a lot of making up to do." 

'I think you should talk to the measter." Seamus corrected and Davina huffed out a breath.  'He would know all about this Davina.'

'I dont wanna talk to a stranger about this, besides im a woman im supposed to know these things. He will think im daft and dull. Which i am not! Perhaps i should talk to Alicent she had two children she would know.' Davina pondered. 

'Yes a brilliant idea Davina'" Seamus agreed. 

"But I dont really like Alicent, whores would know these things. They get pregnant all the time." Davina remarked as she headed for the door

 'Oh you mean right now?' Seamus questioned following her. 

'I have questions and I need answers.''  Davina agreed. 

"Questions to what?" Daemon pondered. 

"I'm pregnant and freaking out just a little bit." Davina told him bluntly. "Suprise!" Davina added as she wrapped her arms around him. 

"We are going to be parents?" Daemon questioned. 

"Yeah... what do you think about that?" Davina pondered. 

"You are going to be the best mum." Daemon declared. "We should start looking for eggs!" He added happily. 

"You two are perfect for each other." Seamus declared. 

"We are." Daemon agreed as he kissed Davina. 

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