56. Silver and Gold

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Twins. Twins... a mini Dav and Dae in the making. Hopefully less painful for them all. 

They were constantly hungry and Davina really had considered just never wearing clothes again. Tits on display for easy baby access. 

So Davina changing or feeding the twins in front of Daemon or Seamus, in front of anyone really didnt bother her. She liked her body, she didnt like the skin sagging around her stomach but hell, they could man the fuck up. If she didnt want to wear a top when she was in her room with the twins then they could man up. Her body was just a body. Still Seamus blushed seeing her tits but she laughed.

'You would think youve never been with a woman the way you act every time you see my tits out!' Davina told him. Daelia attached to her contently gnawing away.

'I havent." Seamus agreed which only made Davina laugh harder. "You know Davina... Most women-' Seamus began

''Im not like most women'' Davina reminded him.

'You certainly are not' Seamus agreed as he slowly he got closer moving to Devin.

'I cant wait to wear pants again!' She declared. 'It was easier to slip on a dress with one in me taking up all the space but now that shes out... pants.' Davina said happily.

'oh but dresses give me much better access to your pretty cunt." Daemon remarked, grinning as he came in. 

"It's not so pretty right now." Davina corrected. 'Plus I just pushed two children, your children from my body you can deal with me wearing pants again. Oh and look at my stomach!' she pulled up her dress the blankets covered her legs.

'You just gave birth they stretched out your skin' Daeon told her

'Thats gross. Its just like hanging there...' she played with her loose skin. 'No one told me it was going to be painful and i was going to have my skin stretched out so it hangs down to my cunt!' Daemon laughed sitting on the edge of her bed

'It will go back. It will tighten up and you will look better than before Gorgeous.' Daemon assured her.

'Cocks are this thick' she made a circle with her hand 'and babies are this thick' she gestured to Daelia now sleeping in her lap. 'They should not come out the same sized hole! That's ridiculous!' Davina declared, Seamus laughed as Davina explained, gods she was funny and she wasnt even trying to be.

'Oh Davina you are going to be the best mother.' Seamus told her.

"What about me?" Daemon countered. 

"You will try." Seamus teased. 

"Wow... you hear this guy? Who does he think he is?" Daemon mused. 

"My hubby." Davina pondered. Daemon reached over touching Daelia's little legs.  'I hope we will be great parents. We had good role models. I want her to have the best life!' She looked down at her stomach Daelia's little legs resting on her stomach while her tiny body lay propped on Davinas bent knees. 'Its still gross.' She poked at her stomach.

'You are still beautiful.' Daemon assured. 

'You know I used to think the only treasure worth having was silver or gold or dragons, gods dragons, the best treasure after Daemon... lets be real before Daemon but this right here, Devin and Daelia... they are better than any treasure ive even come across.' Davina declared confidently. 

'not all treasures are silver and gold...''

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