62. Guilt

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Davina had the kids playing with little figurines and thought damn, I'm turning my kids into viserys. But they were having so much fun. 

She went looking for Daemon and although she wasnt certain after their talk that he was running off because emotions seemed to break him at time she couldnt find him anywhere. 

"Daemon?" Davina called out each time a little more deserate and nervous that he was gone. "Daemon?" Then angry until she heard little sobs and peered in seeing Daemon sitting on the floor with a bottle in his hand. 

"Dav." he whispered. 

"Hey... hey... what..." Davina sat beside him looking him over, he looked a mess. Gods she broke Daemon. "You okay?"

"It's my fault for letting you go

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"It's my fault for letting you go." Daemon said and Davina vaguely remembered that confession last night as he pummeled her into oblivion.

"Dav, I dont know that I ever apologized." Daemon remarked. "I'm so sorry for everything and I'm just a bad guy."

"You were... but even the bad guy will be a good guy for the right girl." Davina offered holding onto him. 

"But Dav..."

"You needed to grow up, we both did." Davina assured. "I'm sorry... we hurt each other, sure you did worse, a lot worse but Dae, I forgave you I married you, we have two beautiful loud mouth children that are going to be just as much trouble as us. I forgave you but if that guilt keeps you from ever thinking about another woman, I'm okay if you hold onto it." Davina assured. 

"I love you Dav, I dont deserve you."

"You dont," Davina agreed. "But its okay... I love you Daemon. You hold half of my heart, always."

"Always.' Daemon agreed. 

She wished the words I love you would fix everything. Because they were not lacking in love. It would make this so much easier. But that would be too good to be true and they were not living in a fairytale. This was real life. And she was so stupid for thinking love could solve their problems when Daemon was clearly an emotional mess but she was glad. In all honesty she was glad he was finally feeling this pain she had felt when he left. She hated him for it. she loved him now but then she had hated him she was miserable and trying to find anyone and anything to help her aching heart. Was it really taking daemon this long to get his shit together? To finally let go of that, Davina had, mostly. 

Moving on. It's so easy to do her family had said when Daemon left, they wanted her to move on but Daemon was her great love. She had to just stop thinking back then and focus on her heart and what she needed and she needed Daemon. 

She kissed him hoping to take away from of his pain and he clung to her. The way he pressed his lips to hers made him want to forget about everything and just be hers for this moment and the next until they really got forever together, and she took him greedily, needing to just get lost in his touch just as much as him.

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