Say What

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|Logan's POV|

I had just touched down in Texas after training back in Cali with some teammates. They knew the situation with my mom and were more than willing to fly here, but I didn't want to be an inconvenience. Plus, with my mom home and back on her feet, I'm cool with flying back and forth.

I landed earlier than I thought and took an Uber to my house. I really needed to buy a car. Then again, my mom wasn't driving hers so I could borrow it in the meantime. I showered and changed before heading over to my parents house.

As soon as I walked in the house, I heard familiar voices. I dropped my bag and went to the living room. There was my mom and Aunt J.

"Look who's home," Aunt J said, with a smile.

Mom slowly turned around and smiled when she saw me.

"My baby," she said, excitedly.

I went over giving both her and my aunt a hug.

"How you feeling mom?"

"Even better now that you're here."

"How are you really feeling?"

She patted my leg.

"I'm feeling like my old self. I would love to get back to dancing, but..."

"Too soon, Isabella," dad commented, as he and Uncle Brandon entered the living room.

He handed mom a plate and Uncle Brandon did the same with Aunt J. Dad then turned his attention to me. We did our handshake and he pulled me into a hug.

"Didn't expect you this early."

I shrugged.

"I have some work to do and didn't want to get caught up at the airport. Plus, I wanted to check on mom. Hey, Uncle B."

I gave my uncle a hug as well.

"How long will you be in town?" Aunt Jamie asked.

"Probably for the rest of the week and then come May I'll be here longer since the girls are graduating."

She nodded.

"You talk to Erica?" Mom asked.

Ok this was out of the blue.

"Here and there."

"So you guys had just talked things out?"

"We did, briefly. I apologized for snapping at the hospital. She had to get back to New York for work and her daughter has daycare and what not. I told her next time she was coming to town to hit me up. She said she'd be here this weekend so that's another reason I came back."


"What does that mean?"

"I don't want you to get upset with me," she quietly said.

"Upset about what?"

She looked over to dad. He gave her a silent nod.

"I think that Erica's daughter, Lauren, may be yours."

"What? Why would you think that?"

Uncle Brandon cleared his throat.

"Aside from the chemistry the two of you have, we know you messed around, snd the little girl looks a lot like you, Logan."

I was confused. How long had they been thinking this?

"I've seen Lauren twice. Once when Erica and I cleared the air. The second was at mom's birthday dinner. I mean Erica ghosted me, but she wouldn't hide a kid from me," I insisted.

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