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|Logan's POV|

I was not in the mood to be dealing with any drama today and yet here I am facing Samantha. Since we graduated, she would comment on my social media here and there. I've run into her a few times and it was cordial. Nothing serious.

When Erica and I got back to Texas, I went to fill up my truck. Who's at the gas station? Samantha! She even asked me to pump her gas. While I am a gentleman through and through, I know a trap when I see one. Again, I politely declined telling her I was in a rush, but good to see her. Who wants to run into their high school ex? Especially after all the shit Samantha stirred up.

"Hey, Logan. Hi, Matteo. Good to see you both," she greeted.

She completely ignored Sasha standing there. See, she's already coming over with bullshit. Some things never change.

"Hello to you, too, Samantha," Sasha chimed in.

She looked over at Sasha.

"Oh, Sasha. I didn't see you standing there."

Sasha was about to say something, but Matteo spoke first.

"Well, we need to get going. Nice seeing you, Samantha."

"I just wanted to talk to Logan anyway. So, Logan. I'm happy we ran into each other. I'm a huge fan, always have been. Congrats on your Super Bowl win. I've been trying to catch up with you. When we saw each other at the gas station, you said you were in a rush. Maybe this is fate, you know, us running into each other again. Hopefully we can catch up. You know, grab a drink or something? My treat?"

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Thank you for the congratulations, but I'll have to pass on your offer, Samantha."

She pouted. Really?

"What's the harm in two friends catching up? We haven't seen each other in years, but here we are. I've tried reaching out to you on social media before, but nothing."

Sasha stepped in front of me.

"You couldn't take the hint then and it's not clicking in your head now. I know what you're attempting to do, but you need to go about your business," Sasha stated.

She smirked at Sasha.

"Always butting in. I'm talking to Logan, not you. Anyways, Logan, the offer always stands. A night cap won't hurt anyone."

"He has a whole family, you thirst bucket. Move along, Samantha."

"Logan was friends with me before this whole family he has. Speaking of, I saw your daughter on social media. Beautiful girl. Is she yours? I mean biologically that is."

I saw Sasha clenching her fist. This could go left, quick.

"Samantha, don't speak about my child," I stated.

"Oh, Logan, relax. I mean no harm. You know, I've been following your career all this time. I mean,I don't remember you and Erica ever being together. Oh, that means she's just your baby mama. Don't want to upset her? I get it. We can keep our affairs private."

What the fuck? I watched as Sasha chuckled and nodded her head. She was about to go off in 3, 2, 1...

"Sash... Come on, don't feed into this shit," Teo quietly said.

"No, her stalker ass is doing too much. He told you he's good, but now you're bringing his family into it. His girl isn't here to bop you upside your head, but I sure as hell will. You already know how I get down."

Samantha looked shook, but then that smirk came back.

"Aww, did I strike a nerve, Sasha? Still a high schooler I see. Gabriel was right about you."

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