Something Is Off

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|Logan's POV|

What a crazy 5 years it's been. I finished college at the University of Michigan. I was drafted to the LA Rams and it's crazy that four years have flown by already. Matteo and I are still as close as ever. Sasha moved to London so we don't see her as often, although she's talked about moving back.

You're probably wondering what's going on with me and Erica. Keeping it plain and simple, we don't speak. Let's leave it at that, for now.

Since I've gone off to college, the holiday season has been like a blur. Once I got drafted, it was even more difficult to spend time with my family during the season. Still, they always found a way to celebrate before or after the fact. To be able to actually be home this year for Thanksgiving, I was happy. My family had been rotating holidays between Texas, New Jersey and Florida. This year Aunt Jamie's and Uncle Brandon would be hosting.

I flew back to California with the team after our game on Sunday and by Wednesday I was heading back home to Texas. No one was expecting me until Thursday, so it would be a surprise that I was here.

I got my rental and headed to my house. The property my parents bought me for graduation was fully renovated. My parents checked in on my property rather often. It also had become a hang out spot for my Olivia. Well, that was until my parents took her key.

I showered and changed before heading over to my parents. Entering, I heard music playing. In true Isabella Law fashion, all the Christmas decorations were pulled out so I knew I'd arrived in time for decorating.  Going to the living room, I saw my mom on the ladder trying to hang something. I quickly went over to help her.

"Here, let me help you, mom."

I hung the garland she was struggling with and she climbed off the ladder. She turned down the music before pulling me into a hug.

"My baby, I'm so glad you're home."

"Good to be home."

"Was your flight okay? I thought you weren't coming until tomorrow."

"I have practice Saturday so I'm leaving Friday. I went to my house first to shower and change. Where's dad, Livy, and Mickey?"

"Your father should be home any minute with your sisters. Your grandparents are with your aunt and uncle. Everyone else is at the family house."

That was a new thing, since I graduated college,  that my grandparents set up. They purchased homes in Texas, Jersey, and Florida. The homes were close to family so they could be checked on and maintained when they were not occupied. Honestly, they were occupied more often than not since we all traveled quite a bit.

"Surprised you started doing all of this by yourself, mom."

"I have a house to decorate."

"Alone? It's tradition that we usually do it together. I mean, I know I'm not here to always help, but dad, Livy, and Mickey are."

"Yeah. This is not my first time. Plus, no harm in getting things started on my own."

"Yeah and you call us impatient," I mumbled.

"What was that?" she quizzed, giving me a side eye.


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