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|Izzy's POV|

I sat in the private room outside of the reception hall looking through the glass windows as everyone enjoyed the wedding reception. My uncles and aunts as well as my parents and in-laws made themselves comfortable, popping in and out ever so often. This was the perfect room for baby Lani plus Teo's and Amanda's son, Maverick.

Erica and Logan were on the dance floor with their friends having the time of their lives, Lo right along with them. She'd be leaving with my parents eventually for bed. Ty and I would be keeping the kids while they went on their honeymoon.

I rocked the newest addition to our family as her eyes slowly closed signaling she would be out for the remainder of the night. My second granddaughter, Lalani Isabella Law. I remember when Ty and I went or visit them at the hospital.


I squeezed Tyler's hand in the elevator as we waited to get to the maternity floor. Today is Mother's Day and our newest addition to the family couldn't have picked a better day to arrive. Olivia and Mikayla were flying in. Our family of 5 had doubled.

Ty looked over at me, pulling me into his body.

"Relax, babe."

"I just feel so overcome with emotion."

He kissed my forehead. The elevator dinged and we stepped off. Erica's father had dropped Lauren off with her parents earlier and when we left she'd be leaving with us. Erica would be going home tomorrow.

Ty knocked on the door and Lauren ran over.

"Grandma, grandpa, my sister is here," she whispered excitedly.

"We know, squish. You're going to be the best big sister ever," I whispered back.

Erica was breastfeeding and Logan was sitting at her side, staring intently. Both Ty and I washed our hands before moving to the bed. Erica finished up, handing the baby to Logan.

"Want to hold her, mom?" he quietly asked.

"Of course."

I sat in the empty chair and he placed her in my lap. Cradling her head, I stared in awe. My son, my baby boy, was now a father of 2 and soon to be husband.

"She's beautiful," I commented.

"What's her name?" Ty asked.

"Lalani Isabella Law," Erica replied.

I gasped, hearing that my name was her middle name.


Tyler was smiling as were Logan and Erica.

"You guys are going to make me cry," I whispered.

Logan leaned down kissing my cheek.

"Mom, I don't know where I'd be without you and dad. You guys have been a part of this journey with me, never leaving my side. I love you both more than I could ever express. Our baby girls already carry the Law name, but I wanted to pay tribute to you just how Erica paid tribute to her mom."

I was at a loss for words. I placed a gentle kiss on Lalani's forehead. Tyler pulled up a chair next to me and I handed her to him. I watched as he held her, which reminded me of him holding Logan, Olivia, and Mikayla.

I was scared when I found out I was pregnant at 20. My relationship with Tyler was new, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't in love. He's always gone above and beyond for me and our family. Carrying his name and our children was a gift in itself. As the both of us were approaching our 50s and our kids would now be off living their adult lives, we were entering a new chapter of our own.

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