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|Sasha's POV|

I watched as Logan went and opened the door. Soon there were footsteps heading back our way. I felt my chest tighten. Matteo squeezed my hand.

"Hey, it's alright. They're here to help," he quietly said.

I nodded at him and then looked to the entryway, locking eyes with my father. There he stood with Logan, Uncle Tatum and Uncle Tyler. He stood there silently staring at me. He must hate me right now.

He moved closer, Matteo stepping back. He opened his arms. I mean, this was my dad after all. Why would I expect any less?

"Come here, baby girl," he commanded.

I felt like a little kid all over again, crashing into his arms. If anyone could help me, it would be my dad. He held me close to his chest. After a few moments he pushed me back, quickly examining me with his eyes. I watched as his jaw clenched.

"Your Uncle Ty is going to check you out and then your Uncle Tate is going to take photos for evidence. I know you don't want this right now, but it needs to be done. We can wait until later to get your statement."

"I don't want to do this right now," I quickly stated.

He sighed.

"I know you don't, but the sooner we do it, the quicker we can move on. It won't take long and I'll be right here. You're safe now. No one here is going to hurt you. This is out of your hands. I'm so happy you're home."

He pulled me into another hug. I knew what he meant by saying this was out of my hands. I also knew that I wouldn't be returning to London. There would be arrangements made to get my belongings. Now that I was home, it'd be a while
before I was out of my dads eyesight.

"Alright. Let's get this done. Logan hasn't slept and he has Lauren upstairs."

"It's all good Uncle Tuck. Long as Sasha is good, I can crash later."

I looked past my dad and saw Logan giving me a reassuring smile. I sat down and my dad stood next to me. My uncles moved closer. Uncle Ty gloved up and inspected my face.

"I don't want to be too invasive, but is there any place that's causing you discomfort?" he asked.

I nodded.

"My ribs."

"Can I take a look?"

I nodded again and lifted up the side of my shirt. He pressed against the bruises that were evident. I winced in pain. He sighed.

"More and likely fractured and will take some time to heal. Are there more bruises?"

"Yes, but I..."

He held up his hand.

"You don't have to show me anything else. Your dad is going to have Melly and your Aunt Sharna take a look. The treatment for your current bruises will work on any others you have. The bruising on your face will subside. Nothing seems broken, thank God. Once I see this husband of yours, I can't say nothing on him won't be broken."

"Uncle Ty..."

"Don't worry. I can snap his neck with ease and no one would know I did a thing."

He said that, far too calm for me. I watched as he took his gloves off, closing his bag. He started typing away on his phone before standing up.

"I just sent you what you need to pick up for her. I'll check in within a few days to see how she's healing."

Uncle Tate moved and took his spot.

End of an Era (Book 7)Where stories live. Discover now