Crossed a Line

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|Olivia's POV|

I wasn't a fan of this Dr. Dani lady. I hated how she came over trying to show sympathy to my dad when she was really flirting with him. She would bring him food, sit next to him, go over scans with him. I know I'm not the only one that noticed and it was only a matter of time before one of the women in my family said something.

We were sitting in the waiting room. The doctors were preparing to take mom out of the medically induced coma. My dad was talking with Dr. Rex and Dr. Mac when Dr. Dani strolled into the room. She went over, running her hands across my dad's back.

"I'm sick of this bitch," I muttered.

Mickey and I were here. Logan had to step out to make a call. Auntie J would be coming back today. She hadn't left until yesterday evening when Uncle Kev made her, saying she needed rest.

I sat there, staring a hole into this lady. My leg, bouncing up and down.


I turned and looked at my sister. I could see her eyes, apprehensive and silently begging me not to do anything. Honestly, it took a lot to piss me off. My mother said I was like my father, the calm before the storm. Once I got going though, it was hard to stop me.

"Calm down."

"I want to punch her in her fucking face."

"I know, but remember, we're here for mom."

"Well, she needs to back the fuck away from our father. It's not professional. Dad is so focused on mom right now that he's ignoring her. Someone needs to put her in her place. Where are our aunts when we need them."

I watched as Dr. Dani placed her hand on my fathers back again. He quickly moved. Okay, at least his brain is still working. You think she'd take the hint, but she did it, again.

"Fuck that."

Nope, no one was stopping me from telling off this thirsty bitch. No respect for my father. No respect for mother. No respect for their marriage. My father has been a wreck since my mother was admitted. Had my mother been fully conscious I know she'd knock this bitch out.

"You need to get the hell away from my father," I bluntly said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

Dr. Dani turned and looked at me, surprised. My eyes were fixated on her. I didn't need to turn to see the glares that my grandparents were giving me, I'm sure for my language, but I didn't give two shits right now. I'm sure my father didn't want to deal with this at the moment, but I didn't care.

"I'm sorry, are you talking to me?" she asked, sounding offended.

I stood up. Mikayla tried to pull me back down, but I swatted her hand away.

"I don't see anyone else throwing their ass at my father. You've been disrespectful as hell since my mother has been admitted. I know women like you, just waiting for the right moment to slide in. My mother is still alive, bitch, and she isn't going anywhere. The nerve of you to even think it would be okay to do this. My father is married! His wife is in a medically induced coma and this is your level of professionalism?"

I moved closer to her and my dad stood up, blocking my path.

"Olivia, step back," he quietly said.

"No. I'm so sick and tired of her throwing herself on you, rubbing your back like it's some type of comfort. His family is here you dumb broad. He doesn't need anything or any comfort from you, believe that."

He looked at me like I was crazy. Again, I didn't care. I tried to move past him, but he blocked me.

"Dad, move!"

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