It's a Celebration

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|Olivia's POV|

I am officially a high school graduate! No more school. No more homework. No more annoying ass teachers. I booked the tour and rehearsals have already started although the tour won't start until July and run all the way into September. Literally, I'll be heading to LA right after our grad party and won't be seeing my family really for almost 6 months. This will be the longest I'll have gone without seeing my parents. Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited for the opportunity, but it'll be bittersweet leaving home.

Ava, Bianca, and I have been inseparable alternating between staying at each other's houses. Bianca has an internship this Summer. Some pre-med program. Ava is going to be traveling to Florida to cheer. She wants to be a pro cheerleader, specifically for the NFL. All of our lives are going in different directions. I'm going to miss them, but we've decided on weekly FaceTime dates.

One last thing is that I've decided to go to college while still pursuing my career. I don't know how long it'll take me to finish. I applied without telling anyone. I know, I know. Me being secretive again. I mean, my parents know now and once I start, the rest of the family will know as well. Does it conflict with me going on tour, absolutely, but I could make it work. The first person I told was Uncle Brandon.


I had set up a meeting with my uncle. Heading to his office, I patiently waited for his secretary to let me in. She gave me a warm smile, leading me to his office. Uncle Brandon looked surprised to see me. Clearly, he didn't check his schedule to see exactly who his 2pm appointment was.

"Olivia, what brings you by?"

"I'm your 2pm appointment."

He looked confused.

"Oh, really. Alright, what happened?"

I laughed.

"Dang, can I at least get a hug?"

He chuckled, coming from behind his desk and pulling me into a hug before kissing my forehead and taking a seat.

"How are you, princess?"

"Good. I uh.... I wanted to get your opinion on something."

He raised his brow.

"What could that be?"

"When you studied pre-law in undergrad, was it extremely hard?"

"I studied political science and economics."

I couldn't help but screw my face up. He laughed.

"Anyways, what does that have to do with you? Last time I checked, college was on the back burner and you were going full throttle with your dance career."

"I can do both," I quickly countered.

"You could..."

"Okay, there's a but that goes with that, huh?"

"Of course. You're about to be on tour, on the road for the next 5 months. You're going to need some time to recover. Who knows what opportunities will pop up in between that time that will have you back on the road come the Spring. Look, I support whatever it is that you want to do. I also know that it's one of your goals to become a lawyer. There's just no rush for you to do it."

I went into my bag and slid an envelope across his desk. He slowly opened it. As he read it, the smile grew more and more on his face.


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