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|Erica's POV|

6 months later

I am sick as a dog.

I've been working nonstop since Amanda and Matteo's wedding. Their wedding was late July and here we are getting back into the groove of things.

September is usually my happy month. My birthday is in October, but there's just something about September that I've always loved. Maybe it's fall around the corner. Maybe it's the anticipation of the holiday season. I don't know.

We're a month into the new football season, plus, Lauren is officially a Kindergartener with gymnastics, dance, and swim. Everything has been going full steam ahead, that's until I started feeling like crap.

It all started on Sunday when we went to the Rams home game. I woke up fine, got Lo dressed, headed to the stadium. Livy joined us, as did Wyatt and Ava. After halftime, I felt this wave of nausea hit me. Thankfully the skybox had a bathroom because I wouldn't have made it from the stands.

Livy came in to check on me and said I looked horrible. I laid down the remainder of the game, not wanting to go home. Once it was over, Logan eventually made his way up. He had a wheelchair so I wouldn't have to walk. I did not need a fuss made about this, but he wasn't hearing it.

He got me into bed once we got home and it's been a downward spiral ever since. The nausea subsided, but the next day, I was throwing up all morning and sleeping the rest of the day. Same on Tuesday and Wednesday.

I thought it was a stomach bug, hell even the flu. I had to take off work for a few days. Chills, body aches, throwing up. I'm on day 5 and Logan has to go out of town for the game come Saturday so I need to kick whatever this is.

I groaned as a light peeked into our dark bedroom. I felt Logan's presence. I didn't need to see his face to know he was here. I heard him sit something on my nightstand before feeling the bed dip.

"Babe, I need you to sit up and eat something," he quietly said.


"Erica, come on."

He turned on the lamp. I saw he had a tray on the nightstand with a bowl of soup, bread, and a bottle of water.

"What time is it? Where's Lauren?"

I was starting to panic. I'm so out of it I forgot to set an alarm to get Lo from school.

"It's 4pm and she's downstairs with my parents."

"You called your parents?"

I tried to quickly get up, but he stopped me.


"Babe, I would've been fine with Lauren."

"You're not fine, E. I called and asked for their help. I can't leave you here alone. My dad and mom can alternate taking care of you and Lo. I called them a couple of days ago when you weren't getting any better. They got here this morning and have been here all day. I picked Lo up from school. No activities today. My mom made you soup and my dad is adamant you eat something. You also need to take this test."

I saw he was holding up a pregnancy test.

"Babe, this is just the flu or something."

"You haven't been feeling well and you can't keep anything down. If it was just aches and pains, sure, I'd chalk it up to the flu."

"Which is why I told you to stay at Teo's. You don't need to be sick and take care of me when you have a job."

"You are my fiancée. We're in the process of planning a wedding. You are out of your mind to think I'd put this game before you and your health. If I was taking care of you and I got sick, so the fuck what. My job first and foremost is being a fiancé to you and a father to Lo. Everything after that is secondary."

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