The Bad Guy

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|Brandon's POV|

It's been a week since the party. Both of my daughters are upset with me. Addison has been pleading to go on this trip. Every single day for the past week, it's all she's talked about. She's tried to get Jamie to sway my decision. Enough is enough. There's consequences for your actions. I've been giving Addy chance after chance. What am I supposed to do? Let everything slide?

Then there's my eldest daughter, Bianca. I'll admit that our conversation was pretty heated the night of the party. Since then, she's refused to talk to me. She's gone back to school and while I would get a text from her daily, nothing. No calls, just radio silence.

In her mind, I overreacted. Checking my daughters on underage drinking is far from overreacting. Yet, here I am being the bad guy, once again. I'll take that role any and every day to get my point across to my kids. I've stressed over and over that they have to be careful and don't give into peer pressure regardless of who's trying to bait them. Still, maybe it's something deeper than that, but I won't know until she talks to me.

I got ready for the day, going downstairs. It was quiet. As I was heading to the kitchen, I saw my wife in the living room.

"Hey, babe."

She looked up at me, smiling.

"Hey, baby daddy."

I laughed hearing her call me that. I sat down next to her, pulling her closer to me.

"You can just call me, daddy," I said into her ear.

"See, you're always trying to start something."

"Mmm. Where are the kids?"

"Addison is with Izzy and Mikayla. Liam is at basketball practice."

I nodded.

"Have you spoken to Bianca?" I asked.

"Yeah. Let me guess, she's still not talking to you?"

"Not a peep. I've left texts, I've called and left voicemails. Nothing."

She sighed.

"This is getting ridiculous," she mumbled.

"I can manage, babe."

She shook her head.

"I'm not saying you can't, Brandon. Bianca is just taking this too far because of what? A lecture?"

"She'll talk to me, eventually. I got it babe."

"Liam asked if he could hang out with his friends after practice. I told him that was fine. Addison joined Mikayla for vocal coaching for the play since neither of them went on the trip this weekend. They'll end up crashing here or at Tyler & Izzy's."

"Alright, cool."

"I actually have to finish getting this conference setup with Izzy."

"Right, you two are going to Greece soon."

"Yup. So excited."

I smiled. My wife loves to perform and dancing was her happy space. Over the years she and Izzy have been on tour, choreographed for tour and are helping the new generation of dancers in more ways than one. Watching Olivia dance, she's literally the perfect blend of both their dancing styles which I've never seen before.

"You have time for me?"

She looked at me confused.

"I always have time for you. Why would you even..."

I pulled her on my lap, kissing her. Empty house, no kids, I was definitely taking advantage. The next hour was spent making love to my wife. We would've gone longer, but I knew she had to work. It's cool, I was beyond satisfied.

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