Come Alive

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|Mikayla's POV|

Dad just came back with Logan and turned his gaze to Olivia.

"You three, come with me."

None of our relatives said anything as he commanded us to follow him. Uncle Brandon let out a low whistle. Dad was good at keeping his composure, but I could tell he was irritated.

Olivia and I stood up and the four of us left the waiting room. Dad led us into his office. He shut the door, motioned for us to sit down, closed the blinds and shut the door. Oh he wasn't playing any games.

He sat behind his desk. Logan was still standing up.

"Tensions and emotions are high, but I want to make something perfectly clear to all three of you. Next time you want to interfere or bring someone around knowing your siblings might not approve, run it by them first."

I glanced over at Olivia. She rolled her eyes.

"So now I'm in trouble for inviting Erica here?"

Dad took a deep breath. It was only a matter of time before he snapped. I'm hoping mom woke up before it got to that point.

"Watch your tone, Olivia Marie. You talking to Erica is one thing. The two of you have a relationship outside of whatever is going on with her and Logan."

"Exactly, so...."

"Shut up."

We were all taken aback by dad saying that. He could be stern with us, but usually we didn't get a blunt response like that. Yup, he's cracking.

"I have been doing my best to support all of you and not be insensitive to your feelings. I stood by your side in how you felt about Dr. Dani. She was inappropriate and disrespectful. Logan feels disrespected that you invited Erica here, Olivia."

"I didn't know they had beef. It's not like he talks about her and I don't even ask her about him. We don't even talk constantly. She checks in here and there and I told her about mom and she said she was coming to Texas anyways. It's not like I dragged her here. After losing her own mother she got closer to mom."

"I'm not even upset about her knowing mom was in the hospital. I get that you guys had your own bond with her. I haven't been completely open about what happened between us, but you knew there was tension. She could've come to see you and Mickey and I would've stepped out. I just felt blindsided by her showing up, is all," Logan chimed in.

"Alright, I'm sorry. Can I go now?"

Logan sucked his teeth.

"See, that right there, you need to check that shit. Your brother is telling you how you'd let and you're being dismissive. Would you like it if I had done that to you? Your half ass apology isn't helping this situation, Olivia. You and Logan could have talked about this alone, but I'm mediating for a reason. We don't need any more shouting, no fighting. I can't take it. I'm trying to hold us together and this doesn't help any of us," dad stated.

I turned to my brother.

"I'm sorry that you felt that we betrayed you, Logan. None of us would do anything to intentionally hurt you. It was selfish not to tell you and only think of ourselves in seeing Erica. Your beef isn't our beef, but I can see how you're hurt. I apologize," I stated.

He gave me a smile.

"I appreciate that Mikayla."

"I apologize, too. I should've sat down and talked to you. It was rude of me. I just... I wasn't thinking or caring if I'm being honest of how it would make you feel. That was fu.. uh.. messed up on my part and it won't happen again," Olivia added.

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