I Still Love You

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8 months later

|Logan's POV|

It's been nearly a year since I found out that Lauren is my daughter. A year since the beginning of our new normal. I couldn't be happier to have her and Erica here in Los Angeles. I was willing to adjust to endless flights just to see my baby girl, but Erica was on board to relocate, making things easier for all of us.

Erica and Lauren have been at every home game. When my family would travel to see me play for away games, they'd take Lauren along for the ride as well. Erica would come to some away games as well. Lauren gelled so well with everyone from my parents to grandparents, my aunts and uncles, plus my cousins. My family welcomed both Lauren and Erica with open arms. I wouldn't expect any less from them. Family is family.

We decided to spend the holidays together. I didn't want to miss any more time with Lauren then I already had and I knew Lolo would want her mom included. To be honest, I enjoyed having Erica around as well. Lolo's first Thanksgiving with us was special and her first Christmas was insane. I spoiled her rotten, as did the rest of my family. I'd say between my sisters and her older cousins, they're worse than anyone else in spoiling her. Nonetheless, I'd say we got the hang of this coparenting and there's no issue.

It's also been a year since mom's surgery and I could not be more thankful and blessed that she's alive. She's back at work and her normal routine. My dad still watches her like a hawk and she has frequent doctor visits, but so far, so good.

Olivia is pulling double duty. She lives in Cali now, traveling back home to Texas when she has breaks. She's in college, full-time plus touring. Mikayla is doing well. She's fully into music theatre again. She even has started dating that Stephen kid. She's happy and staying out of trouble, so that's a plus.

So, what's happening in my life otherwise? My team is officially heading to the Super Bowl and my princess will be turning four years old just a few days later. We'd be celebrating with her friends here in Cali, but her huge party would be in Texas. Two back to back weekends with family. We always did it big for celebrations. Oh and I'm not the only one heading to the Super Bowl. Olivia will be performing in the Halftime show.

You know how my family is, everyone will be in attendance. Plus, once my Aunt Rory found out we were going to the Super Bowl, she designed custom jerseys for the entire family. I have custom cleats she designed with Lauren. They're really going all out.

Now let's address the elephant in the room, my relationship with Erica. Trust me, the chemistry is surely there, but we've been so focused on Lauren and if it isn't about  Lauren, work. With the season winding down and nearly a year of therapy, I'm ready to have the conversation. The conversation about us that in a way both of us have been avoiding.

We've talked plenty outside of things pertaining to Lolo. We have what we like to call heart to hearts. She even told me everything that happened with her and that son of a bitch Caleb. While I hate that she kept Lauren from me, I can't imagine how traumatic it was for her to go through what she did. The emotional and physical could take a toll on anyone. I'm happy she was able to open up to me.

I have my best friend back and damn did I miss her. She's not dating anyone and neither am I. I haven't been looking to be honest. Our friendship is stronger than it's ever been. It feels like old times. The end game for me has always been Erica for me. I just needed time to process my own feelings and emotions. Deep down I know she feels the same way I do.

As for my baby girl, my daughter tests my patience on a regular, that's for sure. I will say that giving her a look has started to work. We've saved spankings from when she's really in trouble. So timeouts can be pretty regular depending on Lauren's mood.

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