Too Much To Handle

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|Erica's POV|

As Logan pulled in the garage, he let my hand go as he got out of the truck. Watching him come to the passenger side, I felt my hands get sweaty. I felt a tightness in my chest. I was now panicking and starting to hyperventilate.

I swear these fucking anxiety attacks are the absolute devil.

Once Logan opened the passenger door he instantly jumped into action seeing what was happening.

"Baby, it's okay. I'm right here. I got you."

Tears were stinging my eyes causing my vision to blur. I fumbled, try to unbuckle my seatbelt. I felt Logan's hand over mine. Next thing I know he's lifting me out of the car and I'm clinging to him. I kept my eyes closed, trying to breathe through this.

I was nervous to talk to him and I shouldn't be, but I was.

He finally stopped walking. I felt his body dip. He was now seated. All he did was hold me closer to him and rub my back.

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here," he whispered over and over.

Everyone deals with their anxiety differently. Personally, I need comfort. I felt horrible for it, too. Who was I

"You're not a burden. Stop thinking you are."

How did he...

"I know you Erica. I know you inside and out. I know what makes you tick, what makes you smile, what makes you laugh. I'll keep it PG."

I laughed.

"See, the little jokes I make. They make you laugh. I hate that you feel this way. I wish I could just wash away all of this. I'm here. I'm right here and I'll hold you in my arms for however long you need."

I lifted my head and kissed his lips.

"Thank you," I whispered.

I tried to move to get up, but he pulled me back.


He continued to rub my back. I felt myself falling asleep.

"Bath or shower?"


He stood up, never letting me go. I felt myself being lowered. My hands rested on the counter as I sat between our double sinks. Logan was by the tub, checking the temperature with his hand. He glanced back at me before turning back to the tub. I watched as he set everything up just how I liked it. Always so observant, always taking care of me.

Why the fuck am I like this?

Why am I still so easily triggered?

When there's something life changing that happens, I either turn into a bitch as a defense mechanism or shut down. Why can't I just handle things like the adult that I am? Lauren deserves a mother that is strong. Not someone that flakes when shit goes left. Logan deserves a girlfriend that...

"Come here."

Those two words and the tone of his voice had me jumping off the counter and walking over to him. As I got close enough, he grabbed my hand and turned off the water with the other. He stood upright.

"Stop it," he demanded.

I had never heard that tone in his voice. He lifted my chin.

"There is nothing that you can't tell me. Nothing we can't work through. I don't know what just triggered this anxiety attack, but I'm going to help you through this. We're in this together. All in, remember? Know that I'm always here. If I can't physically be present, I'll do my best to make sure you're never alone."

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