Not Seeing Eye to Eye

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|Izzy's POV|

Olivia arrived last night. We had a family dinner with Jamie and Brandon plus my nephew and nieces.  I loved when my babies came home, but I knew they had lives of their own to live. The bittersweet part of being parents. You want them to grow, but it sucks to see them go.

She left earlier with Tyler to go and check on her knee and ankle. I headed to the office. I pulled up to see Bianca was here waiting. She would be taking over as J and I's new receptionist.

Ty's sister Teagan had moved years ago to D.C. and was married to a man named Brian. He was amazing for her, treating her like the Queen she is all while pushing her to do her best. They had a baby boy a few years ago, Justin. I couldn't be happier for my sister-in-law knowing all she had been through from her recovery to a jackass of an ex. She was in a great space.

When Teagan left, either Jamie and I would cover the front desk or have one of the girls fill in when they stopped by. Never anything permanent and we were looking to hire. With Bianca back home and wanting to teach classes and have a job while going to school, perfect fit. We'd still need another employee for when she wasn't here, but this was better than nothing.

Pulling into the parking lot, I noticed my niece's car. She got out as I did.

"Morning," I greeted as I stepped out of the car.

"Hey, Aunt Izzy. I bought breakfast and I'm ready to help with whatever you need."

I smiled at her enthusiasm as I unlocked the door.

"Alright, rooms need to get set up for classes, but we can have breakfast first."

I had only had a smoothie and promised Tyler I would eat once I got into work. He'd check the cameras if he had to just to make sure I did. After we finished eating, I headed to the office and was going through emails and then went to make sure the rooms were ready for the day. Bianca had everything set up. J should've been here by now. I checked my phone to see if she had texted me which we did when either of us were running late.

"Hey, you talk to your mom today?" I asked Bianca.

"No, she was already gone by the time I left. Want me to call her?"

I shook my head.

"Already tried that. I'll ask your dad. Could you start working on the fall schedule and getting that posted around the studio?"


I called and texted Jamie again, nothing. I've been here for over an hour now. I waited another 20 minutes, glancing at the camera to see if she had come in. I called her a final time before texting Brandon.

Have you heard from J?

As soon as the text went through, my phone started ringing.

Hey, big brother.

What's up lil sis? Everything okay? What's going on?

I  wouldn't say things aren't okay, I just haven't heard from Jamie. She's not here, no response to my calls or texts. I was wondering if she was with you. I don't usually freak out over this, but...

It's cool, Izzy. Her being unreachable doesn't sit right, I get it. Hold on a second.

I've already tried calling her and texting...

I'm checking her location right now.

The line went silent for a minute before he cursed under his breath.

What's wrong?

Yeah, she's at the bike shop.

Bike shop? Oh shit.

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