Rest of My Life

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|Logan's POV|

3 months later

Today is the day I marry the love of my life, the mother of my children, my best friend and soulmate, Erica Thompson.

Our baby shower wasn't the only thing that got moved around. We had that in April instead of February as we were focused on Mr. Dave's recovery. We were supposed to get married, 4th of July weekend, but we postponed a few weeks to the end of July instead.

Mr. Dave felt guilty that we moved things around, but Erica wasn't changing her mind on it. Aside from Mr. Dave's recovery, we had a lot going on since the baby shower. Erica gave birth in May, Mother's Day to be exact, and we were now a family of 4. Lauren graduated from Kindergarten. I was cleared by my doctor to get back on the field. Lots of moving parts and adjustments these past 5 months, but so be it. Here we are.

It's late July, pre-season will be beginning soon and I leave for my honeymoon tomorrow. We're wasting no time. Our babies will be with my parents. Even in moving the wedding a few weeks, we still seemed to make it work. Whatever Erica wanted to do, I was on board. I'd have a lifetime of waking up to her beautiful face and traveling the world. I was just ready to make her my wife.

My groomsmen had left as I requested some time alone before the ceremony. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door of my suite.

"You ready son?" I heard my dad say.

I turned, giving him a smile.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

He came in and closed the door.

"Feels surreal," I said.

He smiled.

"Reminds me of when your mother and I got married. You were 6 years old, same as Lo. Olivia was just about 1."

"I remember. You planned everything."

He chuckled.

"Don't let your aunts hear that. They did help. I have something for you."

He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small box. Opening it, I saw a pair of monogrammed cufflinks. One had my initials LL. The other was for Erica, EL.

"Thanks dad. These are really special. I'll always have a piece of her with me."

"Exactly and you're welcome. My dad gave me a pair on my wedding day and I wanted to do the same for you."

He took a seat and motioned for me to do the same.

"You asked me when did I know that your mother was my end all be all. Truth is, I knew from day one. I waited. I impatiently waited for the moment to make her my wife. We both had our careers, we had you. Time was always in the way. That was an excuse. I was tired of introducing her as my girlfriend. Fiancé wouldn't be enough. I need the ultimate commitment and there's nothing more sure than marriage."

I nodded in understanding.

"You and Erica love each other, it's evident to see. There's nothing or no one that can change that. I'm happy that you found your person and know that we support you and back you 100%. Erica is another daughter to us. Your girls, they're our babies. Above all else, you are our son, our first born. I speak for both me and your mom when I say we are so proud of you and know you will be an amazing husband as you are already a phenomenal person," he added.

I saw the tears in his eyes. I didn't know I needed to hear this, but he knew what I was thinking.

"Thanks dad. I really needed to hear that."

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